$15-50+ cartoony paypal comms

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago (Edited 9 months, 12 days ago) by bugswormsetc

⭐️ I have chibi comms open!

hii im doing commissions! :^}

no template, just reply to this thread or message me what u want drawn, what type of art u want (icon, bust, halfbody, fullbody, etc) and any other extra info and/or questions. the more detail the better! if I accept ur commission, we can also talk on discord if necessary

a sketched comm will usually range from +$15-25 while a lined/polish styled one will cost +$25-50+. +$8 for shading (both styles, price 4 this may vary if u ask for something smaller than a halfbody), +$5-10 for additional characters (both styles). these prices range very much depending on what u want drawn!!!

PAYMENT WILL BE THRU PAYPAL!!! I expect payment after i show a sketched wip. expected to take up to 2 to 3 weeks and updates will be given regularly if asked for. I have the right to refuse any commission or cancel abruptly (you will be given a refund if youve already paid)

Can do: nudity, furries (depends, just ask), prop backgrounds
Cant do: gore/guro (blood is ok), scenery, complex designs, mecha (like transformers), feral, elderly, muscular (i can do a little muscle but not, like, bara)

thank you for the opportunity :)


older examples



Hello!! Your artstyle is lovely!!! How much would you estimate a fullbody or a halfbody would be? :) and if lined and polished would affect their prices too? I'd like to see if I could currently afford it rn before asking haha!

If i can't afford it rn i'll be sure to come back a different time! ;D


bloodyv4mpzzz a lined and polished half body would be 20-30 and a fullbody would be 30-50! it greatly varies depending on what u want drawn ^^


bugswormsetc ahh right icic!!! i'll think abt it then!! :D i'll see if i can get a commission from you this weekend ^^ as I need to check other stuff in regards to my money rn lol

tysm for answering!!!!


heyyy how much would a halfbody sketch of 2 chars be vs like a polished halfbody of 2 chars??


sunnyclownn a sketch would prob be umm around 20-35? and a polished would b 40-50+


bugswormsetc ok thanks bestieeeee are ur commissions open till next week? cuz i can comm u when i get some money stuff sorted out next friday/saturday (and I also need to make the ref sheets) 


sunnyclownn ya my comms r always open!! commission whenever take ur time❗️


bugswormsetc ive got everything money wise sorted out and i wanna comm u for a halfbody sketch of 2 characters ‼️ should i dm u on disc or here ? 


sunnyclownn disc is good!


OH MY GOD. putting this here so i can come back