Closed - Thank you!

Posted 6 years, 7 months ago (Edited 6 years, 4 months ago) by Mitzbehaven

This was for my grab bags. These will reopen in a cleaner shop later!


Irefe - She's adorable! I would love to draw her! Added ♥

leyline - Thank you so much! I really appreciate hearing that! ♥


Wonderful, thank you! I look forward to seeing it :D


cactuslilly - How many characters were you going to request? ; w ; 


cactuslilly - welllll because you've been patient, I'll make an extra slot for you ♡ so you can go ahead and request! 


That's it I'm subbing, I will grab one of these next time.


January leyline Irefe Jinsei 

If you could all read this, that would be amazing ; w ;


cactuslilly - Sorry for the late reply, but I'll add you to the list, but if you could read the bulletin that I posted in the post above, I would really appreciate it, so you know my current situation for getting art done ♥


Can I grab another pls? <3 I would love a NSFW of this guy, if he'd be alright! (If not I can pick a different character!) Here's a ref of what his legs look like if you're unfamiliar with his species, and here's his eye color since they're closed in his pic! :D