Sinnamon-Snaps Commissions [OPEN]

Posted 6 years, 3 months ago (Edited 5 years, 5 months ago) by Cosmitokki

Sinnamon-Snaps Commission Sheet 2019

Hi! This is my new Commission Page! if you have any inquiries please comment below or PM me! 

You can also ask me about art trades if you want but I always prefer you to finish your art first unless you're a close friend of mine. I am open to drawing almost anything from fan art to your own character! If you don't see your character fitting in the information below you can always ask if I am able to draw your character, I can always give it a shot!

**Please do not hassle others or me for art or money Nor give me a long sad story on why you cannot pay for a commission but want my art! us artists need money too ;v; Thank you for understanding ♥

Pricing & Samples

Thicc Line

[ x ] [ x ] [ x ]

A drawing with thicker lines, there is more room for backgrounds and the option to have the lineart coloured to match the character.

  • Headshot - $10
  • Half Body - $15
  • Full body - $20
  • Chibi - $5


[ x ] [ x ] [ x ]

A softline drawing of your character, line art can be coloured in one set colour, shading costs a little more.

  • Headshot - $10
  • Half Body - $15
  • Full body - $20
  • Chibi - $5

"Pixel" line

[ x ] [ x ] [ x ]

Still experimental, A drawing of your character using binary tools to give off the effect, shading is optional. (will be less without shading)

  • Headshot - $7
  • Half Body - $10
  • Full body - $14
  • Chibi - $5


[ x ] [ x ] [ x ]

These do take considerably longer but a fullart piece of your character with shading, and background.

  • Headshot - $15
  • Half Body - $25
  • Full body - $50



  • Most mamillian animals (especially Cats, Dogs)
  • Anthropomorphic characters
  • Humanoid characters
  • Warframes and other gaming themed characters

Won't Draw

  • Mecha, Robots, overly metal themed characters.
  • Feathery, Avian like creatures (Winged animals are fine)
  • Sea creatures (Willing to try but don't have much experience)
  • NSFW or Fetish art (Only allowing Blood and Gore)

Terms of Service

  1. When paying for my art service please pay before I start your piece, Make sure you have all the money or request to pay in installments. I will only show the piece of art AFTER its fully paid.
  2. Do not offer to pay the paypal fees as this goes against the paypal TOS / User Agreement.
  3. Do NOT use the "Friends and Family" Payment Method please. I. Will. Not. Accept. This.
  4. If you add on extra money to your payment this will be considered as a TIP I am not responsible if you overpay me.
  5. I will offer 2 initial sketches before starting the commission so you can tell me if I have missed anything, want the pose changed or if they are interacting with something a certain way. I will not add on more sketches, TWO is the limit.


Put your order details here. Feel free to message me Via; Discord, Twitter, or Deviantart when commissioning me.


Name: ---

Comm type: ---

Refs: ----

Etc: (put whatever you commission form is here)

HTML by Wicked


Yo! I love your art. I'll pm you!



Just sent you the finished commissions via PM !


your art is super cute!! i'd love to get a piece if that's okay!!

Name: my name's jojo, the character's is muti!

Comm type: digital fullbody

Refs: here (WARNING if you have nsfw enabled, there are a few unsavory images on there)

Etc: if you wanna draw him in the outfit in the ref that's fine, but if you don't, he wears a lot of crop tops and booty shorts, stuff like that! 



I'd be totally cool drawing them! they look pretty rad <3

If you're paying via paypal can you send the money to @ [email protected] 



sent! <3



Super sorry it took as long as it did, had a few things going on ^^;

here he is!


aaaa thank you, hes so cute!!



Thank you for commissioning me aa

I'm super glad you like it, if there's anything needed changing don't hesitate to tell me