👉👈 pwease may I have some art

Posted 4 years, 6 months ago (Edited 3 years, 6 months ago) by [[ 📺 S.T.A.T.I.C 📺 ]] himbocity

Hi there!

I happen to have an OC that I've... totally fallen in love with... His profile is honestly probably the most complete of any of my other characters and I'm looking for just about any art of him. It can even be nsfw (gore or otherwise) if you'd like to experiment with that, if that's the case, though, please take it to PMs (and only if you're of age, obviously). You're also more than welcome to draw him interacting with your characters if you think you've got a grasp on his personality - or you can ask me how he'd react to someone/something if you're uncertain about that. Any art would be great, even if it's something silly like a meme redraw. I really can't stress this enough, every piece of art that I receive makes my day - even just knowing that someone likes my OC makes my day.

Everything you should need to know about him is in his profile but if you're ever uncertain or just curious, I'd jump at any chance to talk more about him... I've poured so much effort into him, it's unreal.

Alternatively you're more than welcome to take a gander here for more characters if you're not feeling Static but still want to draw something for me.

Thank you for spending some time of your day checking this thread out. <3


Dolorosa I get the whole anatomy thing, it's pretty hard to get a handle of. D: I still don't know how to properly anatomy.

As for your questions, hmm... I don't think he's very interested in movies or songs, so I actually don't know, lmao. As for where he was found, well rather than "found" he kinda waltzed into the facility on his own. He believes he can escape whenever he wants to, which he maybe can, but he thinks the scientists are entertaining so he deals with their incessant probing. Maybe one day he'll have enough.


Dolorosa I love both versions so much! Thank you very much <3

I'm really glad you like him enough to draw him not just once but twice.