vickara's pernament request thread

Posted 2 years, 6 months ago (Edited 2 years, 6 months ago) by vickara_rt

linktree 'cause I can
I remember having such thread back then on my lost acc and I enjoyed that!

- Humanoids only (I don't draw ferals like at all, I'm sorry)
- Male preffered but I don't mind girls!
- Submit your character(s) to the thread either with a small info about them or with no info at all
- I pick characters I feel like drawing, I don't (and can't) guarantee I'll draw everyone's submitted
- This thread will always be open since I'll be using this as warm-ups/something to distract myself from my own work


TY for your submissions, even if I don't respond, I take a look at everything that comes up here! :)