
Posted 5 years, 28 days ago (Edited 4 years, 4 months ago) by entipikal

So I often run out of things to draw so here's a thread. Want to draw something for me back or want something properly coloured and lined? Check out my art trades threadIs it even open? Probably not. But feel free to PM me anyway

Art examples here, and the things I draw will be the white-background rough-black-lines things. Is there a chance I'll colour it? Yes, but it depends how much time I have and how much I like your character!
On that note, I won't draw everyone's character. As cool as that would be, I don't have the time! Please don't send more requests if I don't draw your character, if it's a different character and some decent amount of time has passed, then it's fine, but don't spam me, and please don't be insulted! I'll try my best to do as many as I can.

I will draw
Humans/humanoid things
Ask about fandoms, but I probably will!
Minor gore/blood
Angsty stuff
Animals and weird creatures, but it depends!

I will not draw -
Canines/horses/etc (basically things with long snouts)
Extremely detailed designs (mechs and stuff)
Anything NSFW or sexual
Ships. I'm not good with stuff like that unless they're just existing together or something

If you put what I draw in your character's bio, which you are perfectly welcome to, my username is WipsyWoods, P first. Lots of people make that mistake because my username is a nightmare so don't worry too much!


Renigee Hey would you look at that! I love their design and character! Morally questionable? Cats? Science? Glasses? Yes! Sign me up. I love their design, to the point that I would totally be open to something like an art trade just so I can draw something with more effort in it-
But I think used the wrong ref first so I made two versions... whoops! I hope that's alright. And if you want to put both in their bio, if it's alright, ask me to fuse the images because I don't like the idea of having two of the almost same thing in my art tab, but that's just a personal pet peeve


JokerFlamiaou Which? You haven't linked anyone! (your characters do look nice though..)


Any of them is fine! :) I'll be super happy <3

sorry i don't know how to ping people too ;v;


JokerFlamiaou Don't worry about it! This is my thread so I automatically get a notification when someone posts. If you want to ping someone and it's not their thread (say on a forum game or something) you'd do @ and then their username. @WipsyWoods for example, without the / of course! And then whoever you just pinged will get a lovely little notification! Make sure you spell their username right first time because if you edit the post with their correct username they won't get notified. Happy pinging!


WipsyWoods oooh alright thanks you very much, btw your art is super cute ;v;


JokerFlamiaou Hey would you look at that, I didn't notice that when I did @ / WipsyWoods (minus spaces) it removed the /. Huh. Sorry if that was confusing, but maybe that's.. more pinging advice..? To be fair, I have no idea what I'm doing.
Anyway! No problem and thank you! I'm currently working on a ref for one of my own characters but I'll probably attempt one of your characters after that


Ahh Wipsy it's fine. The different references are just due to alternate outfits! Thank youuu


snailroot Hey who said you could throw such an amazing design at me that I love so much that I accidentally make far something beyond a sketch, it even has a background! And shading? What!
Oh and the background looks better on a light background, if you're using a darker site theme like I am.
Anyway! Enjoy! Because I love the design and I have no idea if I did it justice- (hope it's okay if I favourite them though)




I'm not really comfortable drawing self harm and your request isn't very descriptive, do you have a proper ref for your character? I'd be happy to draw them then, but definitely not self-harming! 

 Kira Noel ArtisticQueenRaven

Your sketches are sooo cute!!! I’d love something of my equally cute gal Kira if you’d be willing! 

 iris Dreamirrora

I would love something of this lady if you're inspired by her!