
Posted 9 years, 6 hours ago (Edited 8 years, 6 months ago) by Space


Thegarians are an amphibious humanoid race native to Thega, a neighbouring planet to Tela in the Kepler-26 system.


Names are generally pretty out-there. Anything goes so long as it isn't human-sounding, and isn't directly remniscent of an existing popular character.

Thegarians have a given name, which usually has phonetic spelling, though that can be stretched a bit to encompass more strange pronunciations (ex. Libynral, Dyelaweir). Instead of a family name, Thegarians have a clutch name, which is much shorter and easier to say (ex. Soxi, Zari). This is so that when they're little, their parents can call one name, and all of the hatchlings will come running. Among other Thegans, the clutch name is often used in unfamiliar company, while their "first name" is used among friends and family. It's also a good way to tell whether or not they like someone: calling someone by their clutch/last-name is a sort of "distancing" act, letting the person know that they don't consider them a friend.



Thegarian colouring is generally based off of existing Earth amphibians or reptiles. These designs may be exact or slightly altered, it doesn't matter so long as it doesn't look awful. Run the design by me and I'll even explain how their appearance would make sense in their world (genetics, etc.) Some of this will be copy-paste, because Telabrians and Thegarians share some aspects of their physiology.

Thegarians tend to be more narrow in the shoulders and wider in the hips. While their faces are considerably more "human-like" than most of the spacefaring species in their sector, the only truly close similarities are in the shape of the face and the overall structure of their skulls. They lack a nose, instead having two small nostrils on either side of a shallow piece of bone that protects their nasal cavity. Their eyes aren't very deep-set into the ocular cavity, and are tilted downward at the inner corners, usually very large in proportion to their faces. They typically have high, pronounced cheekbones, and a fine jawline.

Though they are considered one of the smaller spacefaring species, they still average between 5'5" to 6' tall. They're known for having an abdomen that is somewhat long in comparison to humans, and they have several more muscle groups than most other species. They have wide-set hips that are almost disproportional to the rest of their body, to the point that the underside of their tail can be seen between their thighs while standing.

Thegarian skin is permeable to water, but not overly sensitive to irritants due to evolutionary biological failsafes that can close off their pores to harmful substances. They don't dry out horribly if they stay out of water for too long, however, it is recommended that they swim/bathe at least once every three days. Their skin is usually brightly coloured (or, alternatively, boldly coloured), and often has splotches or spots. Genetically, there are two patterns for spotting: symmetrical and asymmetrical. Symmetrical spots have a definite order to them, whether they are in tapered rows or in evenly spaced clusters. Asymmetrical spotting is random and doesn't have a set pattern. These traits are passed on to children, and symmetrical spots are the more common of the two varieties. Rarely, some individuals will have small stripes, usually on the hips or shoulders, though these seem to be mutation.

Thegarians are born with gills, which atrophy and become vestigial gill-folds as they mature. These gill-folds can be found at the corner of the jaw, just below (and attached to) the ear. They have three webbed toes on digitigrade feet, and hands with three fingers and a thumb. Like Telabrians, they lack fingernails, but have finely ridged finger-pads. They don't grow hair, and their skull tapers to a subtle point at the back. While they lack eyebrow hair, some have a pair of what humans call "eyebrow-dots" on their browbone, and a stripe of colour down the center of the top of their head. This is a relatively common trait, but not all display it.

Their ears are very long and pointed, tapering and then widening slightly again at the tip. They can be moved independently, but only slightly, primarily to be moved closer to the skull when threatened or while swimming. Even as hatchlings, their hearing is exceptional, and they have a notoriously adverse reaction to loud noises.

A Thegarian's irises cover the majority of the visible area of their eyes, and their sclera is usually white or another light colour. They have a nictating membrane (third eyelid) that covers their eyes when they swim or subject their eyes to a similarly compromising situation; this impedes their vision slightly, but not enough to make it difficult to maneuver out of harm's way. This membrane has a bluish-grey tint.

Thegarians and Telabrians both have hemocyanin-based blood (compared to the hemoglobin-based blood of humans and other Earth vertebrates) which means their blood is colourless when deoxygenated, but a murky pale blue when oxygenated. Their blood clots easily and is very efficient at transporting oxygen. There is even a common saying heard among the soldiers of nearly every spacefaring race in the galaxy: "Thegans don't bleed out." This is, of course, mostly untrue, although small wounds (even most bullet wounds) are unlikely to cause a Thegarian to bleed to death. They are also known to be able to survive longer in low-oxygen situations than nearly any other race because of the efficiency of their blood. Their heart carries a three-beat rhythm (which usually throws human doctors for a loop) and their primary pulse point can be found at the junction of their neck and shoulder, in the dip above their collarbones.

Like Telabrians, they have internal genitalia and sex organs, which are hidden inside a slit on the surface of their pelvic area unless they are in use. There is no sexual dimorphism between the sexes, and biological sex is seen as irrelevant when chosing a partner. They have to lay their jelly-covered eggs in clean water and make sure they stay at a constant temperature in order for them to stay viable. They can lay up to 15 eggs per clutch, and are able to reproduce once every two years. They are born as tadpole-like hatchlings with long tails and stubby legs; as they mature, their tails shorten, their gills lose function, and they lose some of the webbing between their digits. Some rare individuals will retain the use of their gills, but it is considered a developmental abnormality, and it can impede their quality of life.



This section depends largely on your character itself. Use your good judgement.

Clothing is widely regarded as optional, but some traditional clothing includes wrap-style tops, ponchos, and mantle-like garments that extend past the knees. Lower body clothing really only comes into play when it's absolutely necessary, such as when temperatures drop. Often, in cities close to an embassy, you will see locals wearing alien clothing, sometimes lower-body clothing if it's altered to accommodate their tails. They generally don't accessorize themselves the way Telabrians do, but some simple jewelry and piercings are not uncommon.