Posted by Xiao-Le (ShibaAiko) 6 years, 1 month ago


Each Dye Ticket will be revised by myself and stored for safe keeping. I will reply back with " [ ACCEPTED ] " or " [ DECLINED ] ". If I decline your Dye Ticket there will be a reasoning why listed at the end of your ticket summary. You are free to immediately reapply with an updated version, if this is the case.

Please fill out the forum below and send it in to me once completed. 

Dye Ticket Request Form

Name ::                                  Date ::

Current Coloration :: [ Please insert your ID image ] 

Dye Request :: [ Please insert future coloration image ]

A Dye Ticket may only be submitted ONCE every TWO months. This just helps ensure that my filing cabinet doesn't get overrun with papers and your fur doesn't fall out.