MYO Approvals

Posted 3 years, 2 months ago (Edited 3 years, 2 months ago) by swirltraveler

You've designed your first Caffae or Decaff, right? So that means it's time to get your Caffae approved!

Before you submit, there's a few items to keep in mind.

  • Make sure to read the trait guide thread to be sure all of your traits are lining up per your rarity.
    • First-Time Owner MYOs are Common slots with two Uncommon traits and one Rare trait.
    • Birthday MYOs are Uncommon slots with two Rare traits and one Super-Rare trait.
  • You have to submit your Caffae/Decaff AND their catalyst, as catalysts have rarity tiers.
  • Any art style can be used, so long as the traits are recognizable.
  • Certain traits may require the use of a Barbie-doll nude (entirely naked, but no genitalia present) or a shirtless shot, such as markings and torso/abdomen bean spikes.
  • You cannot submit Caffaes/Decaffs of canonical characters, unless you specifically made that form of media.
    • Self-insert/"sona" Caffaes/Decaffs are perfectly fine, so long as everything else looks good.

With everything out of the way, here is the form to submit your design.

Image: (either a link or the image directly is fine)
MYO Ticket Number: (OR proof of MYO)
Blend Name: 
Visual Traits: 
Coffee Type: 
Liquid Add-Ins: 
Other Add-Ins: 

A mod or the admin will look over your design and give the okay for you to submit it, and the admin will update your trackers accordingly.


Image: draft Caffae(CS) on Toyhouse

Username: Iclakeo

MYO Ticket Number: SP-MYO-004

Blend Name: bourbon beans and hazelnut

Species: Caffae

Kemonomimi: cat  [common]

Grind: medium-coarse grind  [common]

Blend(I'm not quite sure what to put here): bourbon beans and hazelnut

Visual Traits:
- A single bean halo  [common]
- Bean halo above the Caffae’s head  [common]
- Feathered wings  [common]
- Up to two pairs of wings  [uncommon]
- A single-bean blend  [common]

Coffee Type: nitro cold-brew  [uncommon]

Liquid Add-Ins: condensed milk  [common]

Other Add-Ins: whipped cream  [rare], nitrogen gas(included with coffee type)

Catalyst: round orbs  [common]


They're very adorable!

It looks like your blend is made of Bourbon beans infused with hazelnut, which does make it a single-bean blend with a flavoring.
(This is more just because I was curious, I'm always down to learn more about coffee at this point.)

While I adore the aesthetic of the catalysts, generally all Caffaes have a single one that they use for their tasks, but it looks aesthetically pleasing in this image. That's just a note for the future and for worldbuilding purposes.

I do see that tiny second pair of wings peeking up too!

You're good to go with your MYO! It'll be updated on your bank page accordingly. Do let us know if you come up with a name for them. ^^


i apologize if i get this totally wrong the entire thing was confusing as hell cuz im not really into coffee that much so i have no idea wtf most of these words mean XD


Username: TheDeadZone

MYO Ticket Number:

Blend Name: Dragons Roast

Species: Decaff


Fox [UC]

Vampire add-on [SR]

Demon add-on [SR]

Naga [SR]

Grind: Whole Bean [C]

Blend: Single bean blend [C]

Visual Traits: 

>Bean spikes on arms [R]

>1 colour marking [UC]

Coffee Type: Regular [C]

Liquid Add-Ins: Alcoholic Beverage [L]

Other Add-Ins: Nitrogen Gas [UC]

Catalyst: Orbs


Unfortunately, most of the kemonomimi can't be combined like that currently, so Naga + Fox can't work at the moment.

All Caffaes (including Decaffs) have at least one pair of wings, unless you use the No-Wings Legendary Trait.

And catalysts should at least reflect the Caffae's coffee!

You can always check out other Caffaes to get an idea of how they look. (We also have a few new items coming out tomorrow that might be able to help you out, too!)

We unfortunately can't approve your MYO right now. You can always resubmit for approval once you make the above changes and/or adjust your traits accordingly.


oops replied  to the wrong post xd

ah ok ill just redo the entire thing hh
a little small tip that you dont have to use but may actually help to avoid confusion in the future maybe include things like what you can and cant do for the summery as well as maybe explaining more where things go (im very dyslexic so i could have missed that part aaa) 

hope that helps abit!



Username: Paintset 

MYO Ticket Number: SP-MYO-058

Blend Name: Extra Sweet Caffeine 

Species: Caffae 

Kemonomimi: Rodent (r) 

Grind: Whole bean (c)

Blend: Single blend; Arabica 

Visual Traits: 1pair feathered wings (c), 1 tail (c). 1 above head halo (c)

Coffee Type:  Coldbrew (uc) 

Liquid Add-Ins: Cream (c) 

Other Add-Ins: Sugar and Sugar cubes (c)

Catalyst: Armlet / Armcuff (uc) 


Oh what a cutie! I love the contrast of the cooler colors versus his red hair, but he's definitely adorable.

You're good to go with your MYO! It'll be updated on your bank page accordingly.


Ml and proof in profile! 

All rare traits, plus event catalyst. 

Username: MattTheTrans 

I received this slot from starriewing

Im not sure how to fully explain the traits, just used the ones in the visual guide listed as rare^^ 


Not a problem! I can take a look at the traits you have so far, and ask you for your input anywhere else. :) Just let me know if this seems correct or needs any changes.

Blend Name: it's okay if you don't have one at the moment, just let me know if you want to add one
Species: Caffae because of the halos; however, these halos would typically be beans, not differing materials unless otherwise stated
Kemonomimi: This looks like a Cat, which is a Common trait.
Grind: This would be a Fine Grind if it's all Rare traits.
Blend: If you're using everything in Rare, this means you can do three types of beans (i.e., Arabica, Robusta, etc.), each with a flavor if you'd like.
Visual Traits:

  • I see three halos (Rare), one above the head (Common), one around the neck (Uncommon), and one around an arm (Rare)
  • I can see three pairs of wings (Rare), I think? 2 pairs being insect-like (Rare), one being feathered (Common)
  • I can see a Nekomata tail (Rare)
  • I also see Paw Feet (Rare)

Coffee Type: If you're using the Fine Grind, you can use any sort of coffee type that involves espresso!
Liquid Add-Ins: I'm not sure if you're adding any in!
Other Add-Ins: I'm not sure if you're adding any in!
Catalyst: I do like that your egg-shaped catalyst is that of a sunny-side up egg! It's very cute!

As I mentioned above, though, the halos of a Caffae are all typically coffee bean halos, like the one above the head already present! There's certain kemonomimi that give one halo as an exception to this.

If you want to add any other information, as well as change the other two halos to also be bean halos like the first one, that'd be great. :)


Now that i fully know the information,  i can definitely try to put it together better in a future reference,  fixing the halos^^ this was my first time being introduced to the species,  so im grateful for the help.  And also the ears are fox ears, Ive always adored foxes^^


Not a problem! Foxes are actually Uncommon, so you're still good to roll with it. ^^


So are they approved? I can always fix the halos when i do the actual ref sheet^^


Not quite yet -- just come back here with the refsheet, and I'll be glad to go back over things and make sure everything looks good.


Alr^^ ill have to do it tomorrow,  im going to bed^^



Username: Yamroll

MYO Ticket Number: MYO-429

Blend Name: Cottage Melodies help i cringed so hard at this whaytbghdf

Species: Caffae

Kemonomimi: Ram [Uc], Satyr [L]

Grind: Extra fine grind [Sr] + Extra coarse grind [Uc]

Blend: Single blend [C] (Arabica + Almond) i think thats right??

Visual Traits: 3 pair wings [R], Hip wings [L], Feather wings [C], 1 Tail [C], 1 Halo [C], Clover halo [Event]

Coffee Type: Irish coffee [L]

Liquid Add-Ins: Alcohol [L]

Other Add-Ins: Cocoa nibs [R]

Catalyst: Instrument (Guitar) [L]

Hopefully i did this right lmao i was kinda confused do like hhhhhh-


Oh, what a cutie! Let's see.

Your kemonomimi is also technically a Fusion kemonomimi, but that's also a Legendary trait, so your Legendary MYO slot already covers that. It'd be more of a bookkeeping sort of thing. Love the combo, too, it looks so good.

You do have the blend right! It'd be Arabica with almond flavoring, which is a single-bean blend.

I was about to ask about the third pair of wings, but I spotted that tiiiiny pair of hip wings -- adorable. Simply adorable.

It looks like everything's accounted for and looking good, so~...

You're good to go with your MYO! It'll be updated on your bank page accordingly.


Tysm! :DD



Username: LivyKitty3

MYO Ticket Number: MYO-593

Blend Name: Fairytale dreams

Species: Caffae

Kemonomimi: Sea lion [R]

Grind: Fine grind [R]

Blend: Single bean blend [C] (Espresso beans, White chocolate flavoring)

Visual Traits: A single bean halo [C], 

Bean halo above the Caffae’s head [C], 

A single-bean blend [C], 

Single pair of wings [C],

 Insect wings [R], 

Feathered wings [C], 

Halo around arms [R],

 3 halos [R],

Coffee Type: Latte

Other Add-Ins: 

Ice cream [R], 

Whipped cream [R], 

Gummy candy [R], 

Sugar [C], 

Sugar cubes [C], 

Marshmallows [C]

Catalyst: Crayon [R]


It doesn't seem like the image is actually working! It just gives me an error image.


Here's another attempt to send the image link:


That worked this time! Let's see...

I do see that you're using the event MYO with the Selkie kemonomimi trait! So that Event-Only Trait would be defaulting to using the Pinniped kemonomimi trait.

For bookkeeping purposes, you can just mention you're using 3 halos, and then their locations. 3 Halos [R], with one halo above the head [C] and two halos around the arms [R] would work just as well.

I do love the idea of just layering a single pair of wings with two different wing types! It's very cute.

Everything looks to be good, so~...

You're good to go with your MYO! It'll be updated on your bank page accordingly.