First-Time Owner MYOs

Posted 3 years, 2 months ago (Edited 3 years, 2 months ago) by swirltraveler

Welcome to the Caffae Café! We're happy to have you!
So happy, in fact, that we give all first-time owners a free MYO slot!

This MYO slot is a Common MYO with two Uncommon traits and a Rare trait. That's a $9 value, for free!

Additionally, if you join the Discord, you can set up your birthday with one of our bots. When your birthday rolls around, you get a special birthday MYO.
This Birthday MYO slot is an Uncommon MYO with two Rare traits and a Super-Rare trait. A $14 value, also for free!


Please use the form below to claim your first-time owner MYO.

I confirm that I am a first-time owner of a Caffae or Decaff.
I also agree to adhere to the rules of the Caffae species!
Username: @ username 

You will then get a reply from the admin, who will confirm that your MYO number is tracked, as well as giving you an MYO number.
Keep this number in your records! You will need it when you get your MYO approved.
You can also take a screenshot of your claim and the admin's message and use that as proof of your MYO, but you don't need to.

We thank you for joining us in the Caffae Café, and hope you have a good time here!


I confirm that I am a first-time owner of a Caffae or Decaff. I also agree to adhere to the rules of the Caffae species! Username: brxkengxddess


Hi! Welcome to the Caffae Cafe! Your MYO number is SP-MYO-217. We're looking forward to seeing your first Caffae!


I confirm that I am a first-time owner of a Caffae or Decaff.

I also agree to adhere to the rules of the Caffae species!

Username: MincedMangoes 


Hi! Welcome to the Caffae Cafe! Your MYO number is SP-MYO-259. We're looking forward to seeing your first Caffae!


I confirm that I am a first-time owner of a Caffae or Decaff.

I also agree to adhere to the rules of the Caffae species!

Username: luxiongmaoxue


Hi! Welcome to the Caffae Cafe! Your MYO number is SP-MYO-267. We're looking forward to seeing your first Caffae!


I confirm that I am a first-time owner of a Caffae or Decaff.

I also agree to adhere to the rules of the Caffae species!

Username: luino


Hi! Welcome to the Caffae Cafe! Your MYO number is SP-MYO-268. We're looking forward to seeing your first Caffae!


I confirm that I am a first-time owner of a Caffae or Decaff.

I also agree to adhere to the rules of the Caffae species!

Username: PastelHarmony


Hi! Welcome to the Caffae Cafe! Your MYO number is SP-MYO-295. We're looking forward to seeing your first Caffae!


Can I claim a FTO myo if I once had an event MYO (like a year ago?) but it expired?


I confirm that I am a first-time owner of a Caffae or Decaff.

I also agree to adhere to the rules of the Caffae species!

Username: angeliic_gestalt


Hi! Welcome to the Caffae Cafe! Your MYO number is SP-MYO-350. We're looking forward to seeing your first Caffae!


I confirm that I am a first-time owner of a Caffae or Decaff.
I also agree to adhere to the rules of the Caffae species!
Username: Juniperfool


Hi! Welcome to the Caffae Cafe! Your MYO number is SP-MYO-359. We're looking forward to seeing your first Caffae!