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The [Streaming!] Thread

Posted 8 years, 3 months ago (Edited 7 years, 3 days ago) by gkrkcho

this is probably a weird thread but I personally enjoy watching streams and watching people draw/react on games/online stuff etc., so why not make something that fill some of my free time and possibly get inspirations and stuff o(--( ---//hit

do you like watching people stream? (like i doooooo)
are you streaming right now but have zero audience?
do you just want to have some more company in your livestream(s)?

well, this is the place that allows you to post your stream link! be it art or games or anything else appropriate, you can share your link here and have fun!

rules; (i might add more if i thought of anything else)

for streamers:
- viewer amount is not guaranteed upon posting. it may be 20++ but it may be zero; people have the choice to watch your content or not depending on how they can handle them, just- don't harass for viewers lol
- be honest on what you're streaming. if you're streaming nsfw, state that clearly to avoid underage/people who are not comfortable with such content viewing them. if you're playing games all the way down, don't say that you're drawing (unless you stated you'll do both/multitask somewhere) - try to be specific if possible
- please edit your post when your current stream post is over - for the convenience of the viewers, you can always make a new post when you start a new stream! thank you for the extra kind moves 8)

for viewers:
- please do not harass the streamer + viewers in any form. if the artist has stated to not accept art requests in their stream, please don't ask; if the gamer wanted to solve the game themselves, don't spoil the story/fun. if you're not sure what to do and it's not under the streamer's stated R&R, it's always okay to ask first before you act. (but don't force yourself to stay in the stream if you're not feeling comfortable with it lol >v<;;)

and by all means, please be civil here and in streams.
If you have conflicts and such please move them to PMs, thank you!

! note: due to RL I don't check this thread as often as I used to anymore, but if there's anything going on with this thread that my help is necessary, please ping me!
(however stuff like "no viewers in your stream" are not quite under this criteria as I can't really help with that)

when posting your stream, do include:

  • stream link: (picarto/!)
  • status: on/off
  • genre: art/gaming/etc.(if you're multitasking, eg: drawing + possibly playing games at the same time, do state them all clearly!)
  • age restriction: all-aged/R18/etc.
  • important note to take during stream: (you can write some simple rules to avoid possible conflicts and confusions) 
  • (optional) what are you doing right now?: (are you taking art requests now? are you stuck in a game and seeking help atm?? etc. up to youuu)

you can add any other things but try to at least cover the top five 8)b
most importantly, do have fun !! lots !!


@fuu (had a username change!) if you guys have problems with posting or sth just let me know??
and small chats are ok but do not exceed more than 1 page! (1 page = 15 posts) or you guys can just chat in stream LOL

  • stream link:
  • status: off
  • genre: art
  • age restriction: all-ages
  • important note to take during stream: Please try not to link too much. No music/video links, period. I'll probably be slow to respond to chat.
  • what are you doing right now?: working on a commission

 also this thread is a wonderful idea and I hope people use it :D


whoop whoop streaming again! post w/link is above

@shyruko I was wondering, by making a new post each time, do you mean something like this, or like...should we make a whole new post with all the info again? ^^;;


nekobako I was thinking of copy-pasting the info again, for viewers' convenience since if the thread gets too much posts it might be a bit hard to keep track, so all they need is to look at the most recent post(s).
but if it's only a couple of streamers around it's okay to post a small update that you're streaming again c8

  • stream link:
  • status: OFF, thanks for stopping by!
  • genre: art, might switching in between browsing things for refs.
  • age restriction: all-aged
  • important note to take during stream: 
    • slow connection. It's okay if you want to link me to something, but I might not view it immediately due to slow connections. (I'll look at them at the end of the stream |D)
    • I might miss out posts once or twice too (thanks home internet), just repost once or twice if you think I missed out your post and it's really urgent?
    • don't worry about chatting a lot and stuff, I don't mind! make yourself comfy 8)
  • what are you doing right now?: drawing gaia comm~ also mic/audio off, playing music via my phone lol

bumping this in case anyone needs it~

  • stream link:
  • status: OFF
  • genre: Art (halfscreen, videos/etc on the right side)
  • age restriction: all-ages
  • important note to take during stream: No sound, feel free to chat but I hope I don't miss it lol
  • what are you doing right now?: finishing up commissions/owed art 

bump because stream is ON o3o

  • stream link:
  • status: OFF
  • genre: art
  • age restriction: all-ages
  • important note to take during stream: I have music playing. Please try not to link too much. No music/video links, period. I'll probably be slow to respond to chat.
  • what are you doing right now?: working on a commission

EDIT: bwwooooop looks like it's gonna be twitch b/c having technical difficulties on picarto. Will be up in a couple of minutes (~4:10 pm CDT)

  • stream link:
  • status: OFF
  • genre: Art 
  • age restriction: all-ages
  • important note to take during stream: I don't think I'll be checking the chat this time, sorry!
  • what are you doing right now?: Very quick stream before I go to bed. Desperately trying to finalize my oto-chro myo design (you might witness how i draw 500 poses and scrap them all sob), drawing merchandise, or doing owed artwork. *Right now I'm doing mostly sketching 
  • stream link:
  • status: OFF
  • genre: Art 
  • age restriction: all-ages
  • important note to take during stream: I don't think I'll be checking the chat this time, sorry! I might need to quick restart my PC halfway if my pc memory fails
  • what are you doing right now?: Drawing merchandise (acrylic charms: osomatsu-san wizard au) + crying over it

/revives thread

  • stream link:
  • status: ON
  • genre: Art 
  • age restriction: all-ages
  • important note to take during stream: Not sure if I will check chat ><
  • what are you doing right now?: Drawing/quickpainting my new petipouf! (loud sobbing) and moving on to other work after.
  • stream link:
  • status: on
  • genre: art(illustration)
  • age restriction: all-aged
  • important note to take during stream: uhh just dont b rood i guess
  • (optional) what are you doing right now?: drawin/illustration

done stremin

  • stream link:
  • status: on
  • genre: art
  • age restriction: all-aged
  • important note to take during stream: i check chats a lil' slow, may or may not answer personal questions & no audio/mic this time
  • what are you doing right now?: drawing my slots from "draw the chara above you" thread, I had taken like 3 and prolly gonna finish at least 1 - 2 of those. feel free to stay around!

asdfsk internet is not doing well today (8T;;;;;; thank you for keeping me company tho!