B2T Cheap Sketch CMs - CLOSED/ Wait List CLOSED

Posted 8 years, 7 months ago (Edited 6 years, 11 months ago) by CionKeiasta

Update: We've been busy with our lives and I literally cannot communicate properly anymore due to my hectic schedule since there is no break for me and TH is getting harder for me to go on. If there's any problems or concerns, it is easier to contact me through IG (cionkeiasta) and Twitter (cion_keiasta) !

We'll be closing since Wei is busy with AX prep and we gotta finish our current to-do list, thank you to everyone who helped us so far!!!

Even though we're closed, we will keep the wait list open just in case we do openings later (like break for Wei and etc)

We also lowered prices on sketch waist ups!!!

Wei only wanted to do one option for sketch as we used to do two different types and so, we needed a new example ~

Hello ! Wei (Sleepy-Nature on dA) and I are known as Born2Trash (B2T) together! In addition to our regular comms, we decided to open 5 USD 6.50 USD bust up sketch CMs! These are done within one week depending on our schedules! Wei likes to sketch things more than line things and I prefer coloring because less stressful/faster for me LOL! So they should be done within a few hours to 48 hrs! 

~ Completed March/April 2017 Bust-up Sketch CMs by Born2Trash


You're free to note us on dA or comment on the deviation linked above ! Of course, you can PM me here on TH or just comment on this thread !

We do NSFW (gore) bust ups as well !  Bruises, missing eye, nails and anything of the likes LOL!  (NSFW gore example here ~ )
If you guys cannot view the image, feel free to let me know and I'll send you a stashed version !


We're now doing 10-13 USD WAIST-UP Sketch CMs!!!

Check out for info and examples here !


There will be unlimited slots for now o/ (Our To-Do List is here; no longer updated bc we don't have core anymore LOL )
Just follow our TOS here!




Sketch CM Type:[Bust-up or Waist-up]
OC's Name:

OC's Refs:
[Visual refs only!]

OC's Personality:
[A few sentences or few keywords]

Anything else:
[Any expression suggestions or details we should keep in mind]Payment Method:[dA points or PayPal?]


We may add on 1-5 USD (depending if it's bust-up or waist-up as well!) if the OC has a lot of details o w o )//
We do accept Gaia images as refs, however, we will be charging an additional fee (please ask) because the refs are extremely small to work with and poor Wei has to sit and stare, trying to figure it out-- Then Cion has to suffer on trying to see what color goes where--

Free to comment or note us the form !


Completed Sketch CMs:


Completed March/April 2017 Bust-up Sketch CMs by Born2Trash




Romiress @FoxalypticWorld Yes, I'm ok with refunding! I apologize for lack of communications since I'm working 5 times a week then have classes on the other two days so there's barely any time to myself now or to even communicate properly anymore OTL|||| And I'm not quite sure on what's taking awhile on Wei's part ;;;;;

Kath_SA I apologize, I prefer using Twitter over Toyhouse and I use it more often nowadays so it was just easier place to contact me (and faster response). I'll have to DM you later at night bc I'm currently late on my schedule rn OTL

I've refunded all three but I'll still talk to you in DM (Kath_SA). PayPal says refunds are pending until Oct. 3 and I'm not sure if there's actually fees involved in this but if PayPal does take a fee, I'll send the other amount as a gift.


I censored PayPal names and if you guys need to know who are for who, 9:30 AM is for Romiress, 9:32 AM is for FoxalypticWorld , 9:36 AM is for Kath_SA.



Thanks for the fast response! Hopefully your job is going well, I know working at Disney can be exhausting.


Romiress You're welcome! It is going well but it's starting to be taxing for me bc I'm always really tired bc I sometimes com e home after midnight and it's taking more time than my classes are. And it's no bueno bc my grades will be affected OTL||| (actually it's starting to do so already) There's literally no time for me and outside of artist community, I also ship out anime merch/bags and I even haven't had the time to do that. I used to not have a job so sketches like these can be done in one day and I can ship out things every three days or so. Now it's just taking me forever to do one simple thing ;;;;; And my work is still refusing me to give additional off days despite being a part timer. (I have other CMs who were hired before and after me and they get more days off and they didn't even request for it ;;;;; ) 


Thank you for finally sending a refund. Don't worry about finishing the art. It was for an RP character I don't use anymore so it'll just be a waste of time at this point.