Draw a character from the person above you! (UPDAT

Posted 8 years, 2 months ago (Edited 6 years, 11 months ago) by firanzia-vice

I hadn't seen one of these yet, so I figured I would make one, since they are really fun and seem super appropriate for this place!


The game here is super simple! All you have to do it post, and then look at the characters of the person above you and draw one of them! Art of all styles is welcome! Traditional, digital, amazing, average, cute sketches, super high quality, whatever! Just remember the 3 most important rules!

UPDATE! I've added 2 new rules to help make things here a bit better, thanks to a few concerns that were brought to my attention!

UPDATE 2! A few more things have been brought to my attention, so new rules! Thanks to the people who brought these up!

1. Don't skip a person! This means you MUST post your art as an edit to your claim post! You can also PM it to the person to make sure they get it. (making a new post for art just messes up the order!)

2. Have fun drawing!

3. Rember to thank the person who draws you! (by comment or PM is more than fine, since a post means you have to draw someone.

4. After you post, wait until AT LEAST 3 other people post before jumping in again! (it was brought to my attention that some people are posting for like, every other post, and that simply isn't fair!)

5. While not a true rule, don't rush on your art please! There are some AMAZING artists who visit these places, so make sure to put your best effort into what you give!

6. Please make sure you have more than one public character! Past of the fun of this is looking through someones characters and finding one you really like and want to draw, so having only one public is a bit unfair. 

7. Similar to the above rule, please allow people to see more than just thumbnails! Drawing from a thumbnail is very hard!

8. Please try to limit yourself on claims, you know, perhaps only 3-4 at a time~ 


Thank you everyone for helping keep this thread so active and wonderful still!



Simple, right?


Well, since there is no one above me, I will draw someone from the first person who posts here!


For @Luraiku !




JiGziK OMG CUTE BABES!!! I finally chose one! I hope you like it >\\\\\<



Claiming! @ v @




Waaa sorry for making you wait so long, took me so long to decide who to draw but here you go, hope you like him! * V *

Link in case image doesn't load!



yveltal I'M SO SORRY THIS TOOK FOREVER I'VE BEEN SO BUSY I've hardly had any time to draw orz



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taggin the Lulu ouo/  



All done http://m.imgur.com/GrVlpO6



Lava21 (hopefully that pings?)

I'm done! Here's Dogma! I have to link it because of size; I like to use big canvases because everything looks so sharp xD




I'm not really practised with drawing feral at all but Void was fun to try out ; v ; ) !



omg no problem !! thank you drawing Estrela!


waa steals this spot

Holic MI PEN PRESSURE BROKE ;_; im so sorry

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 ahHHH claiim :'^>

sorry this is so sloppy! i sorta rushed i alSO DONT KNOW HOW TO LINK SOMEONES USER SINCE IM NEW but yeah @ above

(ill look up the user thing lol)





WOAHH thank you he looks so HANDSOME + q +




Athren I've been obsessed with dandy forever omg!!!


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