The Potpourri Thread

Posted 8 years, 2 months ago (Edited 3 years, 17 days ago) by Elissinia

this is the thread where you can come if you want to have a general discussion. anything goes in here! you can post random gifs, you can talk about your day, you can hang out and chat with friends -- literally anything goes in the potpourri board! (exceptions: don't be a dick please, there are other places on TH where u can go if u wanna be a dick.) No need to post "I hope this is okay" or "is this allowed in here?" because this is the catch-all thread for when you don't wanna make a new thread or post in another thread. HAVE FUN MY CHILDREN!!!





I had a dream where I was watching an episode of American Dragon: Jake Long, and there was a scene where some genie dragon granted Haley Long some wish (idk what it was, i forgor), and near the end when it ended, she and some friend were crying.


what if it were all a dream



Found out the sport and hunting store nearby is currently selling leeches as bait and I always found them fascinating, so maaaybe in a couple days if they still have them in stock go ahead and get myself a couple of new invertebrate pets when I set up a tank for them 👀


Dude, so far I have made 5 attacks in ArtFight and I'm proud of it!

Also, Gang Starr's second album Daily Operation is dope as heck

