Two Truths and A Lie Character Edition

Posted 7 years, 7 months ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by you-are-butt

Because it's been a couple of months since I last made a game.

Anyway,if you dont know how this game goes, here are the rules. 
1. Post in character. Easy, right?
2. Write two true facts about your character and one lie.
3. The person under you has to try to guess which of your three facts is a lie.
4. Come back and edit your post with the correct answer. Or, if you're too lazy and you trust people, when you go to post, you can leave your correct answer blacked out at the bottom of your post like this. 420blazeit
5. Don't be a lame-o cheater.

Need an example? Boom. You get an example.

Character 1:
1. Peed in the public pool once
2. Ate an entire pumpkin in one sitting
3. Accidentally microwaved their pet snail
Correct! 2 was the lie.

Character 2:
I think 2 is a lie
1. Killed their own parents
2. Their best friend is a monkey named Philbert
3. Their dog ate their wedding ring

And so on.

*Nsfw truths are fine, so long as they aren't explicit in any way. This rule may be changed at a later time if it makes people uncomfortable.*

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 Elding unused-account


1) She is the fifth and most advanced model of her brand of android

2 ) The stripes on her face, legs, and arms glow when she wants

3) Her prefered weapon is a specialized silent gun that was custom made for her

The answer was 3! Her prefered weapon is actually a pair of wire cutters.


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Matteo Walsh Ellteo

(whoops I was sniped--lemme fix that)

I wannnaaa sayyyy....1 is the lie!

1. He can do a backflip from standing stationary
2. He owns at least one lollipop holster
3. He owns a pair of adult heely's

The answer is No. 1! Surprise! He is a giant meme boy. >v>

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 🔴 ⍋ Python Trolluminati

They all sound so...true. I go with the last one being a lie

  1. He's a bookworm
  2. He likes yaoi anime
  3. His initials are P H P


Nope this one is totally true. (His full name is Python Hub Pine). Number 1 was the wrong one ( cause he is a snake, get it? )


I'm going to guess that the third one is a lie!


  1. He designed all his tattoos himself.
  2. He hates vegan kimchi
  3. He cheated on his girlfriend before.


3 is actually false!



1) She is actually almost royalty in an island in the pacific!

2) She has never been kissed!

3) Her DnD character is a cleric!

That one does seem the most outlandish, but it's true! She is the niece of a tribe leader in a remote pacific island, which she was born on! The lie is actually 2! But, it wasn't an invited kiss, heck, it wasn't even from someone she really knew :'D




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Dot VentingClown

 Is it number 1?


  1. Never been kissed
  2. Sometimes takes baths with her mom
  3. Wishes she was blond

number 3