♢ Yet Another Species ♢ [SPECIES SHEET UP]

Posted 7 years, 7 months ago (Edited 7 years, 2 months ago) by urmille

Kierre sing. Kierra (subject to change)
♢ Food spirits: soul contained within the cup/bowl/plates in ears.
♢ Food can be anything from toast to miso soup to pasta.
♢ Natural patrons of cooking. 
♢ Small human-sized.

♢ Wide variation in bow appearance.
♢ Different ear + tail styles.
♢ Custom cup/bowl/plate design.
♢ Food unique to each Kierra.

Kierre are beings created from the essence of a particular food. Every food created by people on Earth has a corresponding Kierra who is responsible for overseeing who is making it at any given time; it is speculated that cases of food poisoning from otherwise 'completely fine' food is due to an unwatchful eye on the part of the Kierra. They do this telepathically, although they are able to teleport if needed. 

The food can range from everyday drinks to specialties like croquembouche (rarity is related with how common the food is around the world) and the Kierra will have whatever dish it is usually served on within their ears. Although it may look delicate, the actual flatware is a very tough material and unlikely to crack. This is incredibly important as their food represents their souls. Food cannot fall out (liquids may slosh around, but will re-materialize inside the ear) and is inedible, essentially ethereal. 

Bows are attached to Kierre at the front of the dishes in their ears and the base of their tail. They consist of the bow, an ornament at the centre, rope tied to the bow tails, a ring and an attached ornament at the end. They are a part of their body and cannot be removed without extreme pain and possible injury.

They have velvety, patterned skin and fluffy ears and tails. Kierre traits can be any colour, but are often influenced by their food item. Eg. (above left) Coffee lends itself to a muted brown + green colour palette.

Kierre are able to use their magic to stay invisible, teleport long distances or to influence fate, but they grow fatigued quickly and therefore only use it sparingly. Environment factors like temperature don't affect them much although they may wear choose to wear clothes. They only eat whatever their corresponding food is which is enough to sustain them, disregarding how nutritious it is to humans.

Original concept sheet HERE

♢ These will be a semi-open species. Feel free to make your own (try to keep the rare traits rare lmao), but please send any designs to me so I can approve them and add them to a masterlist! (Masterlist here)
♢ Pls don't steel.



Okay can I make a matcha one...please...............oh my god I love them I need 20


aska-ray omg please I want to see a matcha one so bad (it's such a pretty colour). You can be an experiment if you want ;w;



it might actually be a few days because moving........but I WILL DO IT


aska-ray i forgot to ping myself so i dont forget rip


@Ghostance I think a semi-open choice is the best one. Then everyone gets to make their favourite foods and I don't have to scroll through Wikipedia all day haha. Thank you, and feel free to make your own! (still pondering my Sinata tbh)


@Ghostance Not really?? Maybe stick to a pretty basic ear/tail shape (like a recognisable animal). The bows are all the same, otherwise go nuts. They'd have paw-like feet with pads too if that's important. 

Thank you btw <3


Ahhh I love this idea! They are so cute and fluffy omg if they're semi-open I'd love to make a cake-based one! 


Kaneko Yay! :'D A cake-based one would be adorable. I've thought about the foods that act as a category - if you make a cake-based one (or pasta, sushi etc.) then please make it a specific kind of cake! Because they're meant to be unique, one person taking all the cakes at once would be super cruel, but then there could be a poppy seed cake and a black forest cake and so on.

I'll toss a masterlist together soon so multiples don't happen. :')


urmille Yep! I'm thinking of a red velvet cake one! I think the colours will be interesting 


Kaneko Red velvet cake is really good looking ngl. I can't wait to see what you do with that palette <3


Sorry is that new one a churro

because. i want churros now


aska-ray I couldn't resist okay... I have tasted heaven and I want an endless supply. 
the nearest churro to me is 4 hours away please help


you poor soul....

i will ship you churros post haste