Create a character for the person above you!

Posted 7 years, 6 months ago (Edited 6 years, 11 months ago) by LilyLulu

Hi! :3 I thought this would be a fun idea considering how much fun draw the character above you threads are ^^ 

how it works is that you comment with something you're interested in getting,  then draw the  idea the person above you had. 

So like if the first commenter wants a unicorn oc, the second commenter would draw them a unicorn oc.

the character will belong to the person who asked for it.

Or let's say you have an oc with a ton of information but no reference, then you could post that character's link or information and the person below you can draw what they think would be a fitting appearance!

Rules: had to be edited do to drama, it needed to become stricter.

have fun!

wait at least two posts before commenting again unless a week has past with no one posting

thank the person who made your character either by editing your old post or sending a pm, even if you don't like it be appreciative someone took the time to try for you. You're always welcome to post again if you don't feel like the idea fits, but be nice

no causing drama, no being rude to the person who create drama something for you. Please just keep this to yourself. 

no selling the designs you get here without permission from the person you got it from

please do not claim a spot without finishing your last claim


Do not withdraw your claim after posting it, it messes up the order, if something comes up and your unable to, message me I will see if I can fill it

please try and be reasonable with how long you take. You shouldn't be taking months to do your claim, if it takes a long amount of time send the person you are claiming for updates.

please edit your post to deliver the finished art, or pm but make it clear it has been sent in your post, do not post again with the finished art if you are not claiming to avoid confusion 


if the person claiming you takes too long for comfort pm me and i will talk to them, if they dont respond i will fill your request







( first commenter please draw for the person below you since there is no one above you)


CLAIM! Done~! @feralrei


I want to have a... eyeless Monster bab. Woo /o/  (Bonus points if the monster makes somewhat realistic sense on how it can live)


Edit:  It's okie dokie~!  Take your time u3u~


It's been at least 2 posts and I have some cool ideas so CLAIM!

Done and transfered!


As for me, I'd like a pirate-themed girl. Tannish skin and long, wavy, dark brown hair. Quiet and sarcastic, but sneaky. 

vvv thank you so much! I love her <3


Sent full image in a PM

I want a sheep kemonomimi ♥ 


I'd love a SU gem OC! An orchid diamond! If she could be super tall and be based off of an orchid flower that would be awesome <3
Edit: Finished! Changed my icon to the character!!

Jane VentisetteStars

/looks up


I'd love a black elf. More modern > high fantasy style, but honestly if you wanted to mix both in, I would love them. Please make an adult.


I'll claim!   I'M DONE~! @vaxmore

bigger size:


I'd like a creature based off of Mardi Gras.  This will be gifted to my bestie... who wanted to claim again but school and stuff is needing her first.  So Happy Mardi Gras \o/
(Props if there are feathers or masks or something are integrated into the design /o/)

Edit: @lunar-leaf  my bestie loves it like... so much ♥  I love it.  Thank you SO much ♥

Dreamsverse i hope you n your friend had a great mardi gras !

umm I'm trying to cut back on the amount of oc's i have so maybe an outfit for anyone here or here  (basically any of my oc's that are not in the trade folder)
aaaa but if you dont want to do outfits then umm draw a small sprite with earth like qualities for yourself or to gift to someone else? ^q^

shhh it's just me bumping (skip me)


claim! Im good with outfits ;) I'll give you a couple to choose from, or you can keep all of them, who knows!

edit: here you go! some outfits for hum ;3

meanwhile, I need furries... I have like, one. Make a friend for Lennox and Yarrow! I would like something unique to the design, I like clouds and the sky would be a good theme! Doesn't have to be anthro, if you're more comfortable with animals, go ahead >:0c