Pokemon Gijinka challenge

Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Edited 7 years, 3 months ago) by mothgf

Basically this is just a art challenge - but instead of a general theme like "love", "stitches", or "mermaid" like other challenges, this challenge is specific- specific Pokemon Gijinkas!

I will be using randompokemon.com to generate the weekly challenges - its up to you if you use the generated list posted here, or if you make your own list!

I will be posting 7 pokemon every week, and the goal is to make/draw 7 different gijinkas based off of the pokemon you are given. Whether you use this challenge to make gijinkas or to draw pre-existing gijinkas you, your friends, or other people own is completely up to you!


Basic rules:

  • Don't draw other peoples characters if you don't know if they are okay with fanart. Some people are not, and we should respect their wishes!
  • If you use a base for the design you make, please credit it. Would prefer no one use bases for fanart but if you really want to...make sure the owner of the character is fine with it and make sure you credit the base artist.
  • PLEASE DONT PUSH YOURSELF! you dont have to do all of them. you don't have to do anything. this isnt really a rule but moreso me trying to look out for you guys. I really don't want anyone injuring themselves/making themselves sick/pressuring themselves. ):

....i think thats it really haha. 

 As a note, you can do whatever you want with the designs you make! Sell, trade, giveaway, keep - whatever suits your fancy!

Feel free to join the PGC world and submit any designs you make during this challenge, or submit any designs you don't mind others drawing during the challenges!


I'll be prettying this topic up later...once I get the time. otl.


~ WEEK 2 ~

Theme: completely random!


(Tepig, Octillery, Infernape, Rapidash, Malamar, Drifloon, Nuzleaf)



WEEK 1 - Ponyta, Ditto, Charmeleon, Misdreavus, Magneton, Cottonee, Abomasnow Mega


you may now post!


/subs immediately


Just a update - made a world


another update! if anyone tries to join/submit to the world, can y'all message me here, either by commenting on this thread, pming me, or commenting on my profile and tell me to look at the world inbox? for some reason i dont get notifs for world things ;___;


Completed mine. ;v; I'm actually liking what I managed to do with it. Mainly hair wise tho.

 Sin Feinny

*subs as well* I'll definitly try to join ! I also have this Misdreavus Gijinka if anyone wants to draw him ! He is quiet, pretty inexpressive but very sweet and kind.

Also Stock you did really good with that ponyta ! The challenge is strating really nice ; w ;


@ace-of-shadow  oh no sins adorable ...

AND THANK YOU AHHH.... I figured I'd go with a more child-like appearance seeing as Ponyta is technically....well, a pony. aka a kid. 


Ahh tysm ! He is very dear to me so whenever someone likes him I'm happy ; - ;

And yes that's fair enough ! It was a nice idea !


/fails to show self control

Ok but seriously I like drawing other people's characters so I'll probably do that instead~

 Shusei Feinny

Lmao just noticed I have a Charmeleon too although he doesn't have any real outfit, he has a kinda hiptser look-

aska-ray Welcome to dah club dear lmao we're gonna nail it-


Marie aska-ray @Ace-of-Shadow Hiyame

thank you all for joining! I...didnt actually expect so many people to join HAHAHA so I'm pretty pleasantly surprised ;V;

The second day is drawing near - within a few hours! However, please do not feel like you have to rush to get Ponyta done if you haven't done them.


...dammit, I wish I hadn't seen this. Now I have to make 7 Gijinkas, because this idea is too awesome not to!! :P