CSS Template For Everyone To Use

Posted 9 years, 4 months ago (Edited 9 years, 4 months ago) by Pinipy

<style>#container{background-image:url("PUT YOUR BACKGROUND URL HERE");background-attachment: fixed;}#main{width:900px;margin:0 auto;}#sidebar{width:160px;}#content{width:740px;}#content .profile-column{width:100%;}.profile-column .profile-bulletin a,#sidebar ul.side-nav a,#footer a,.bulletin-post .text-center a,.text-center .label.secondary{color:#66C;}#content div.profile-content a,#sidebar ul.side-nav a:hover,#footer a:hover,.display-user a{color:#CCF;}div.comment-create div .button.expand.small,a.button.tiny.nav-notification.radius,.primary,.label,.sub-nav dt.active a,.sub-nav dd.active a,.sub-nav li.active a{background-color:#99F;}div.comment-create div .button.expand.small:hover,a.button.tiny.nav-notification.radius:hover,#sidebar .side-nav li.header{background-color:#9CF;}</style>

This is the code I use for my own profile which my kind friend helped me with. Just put your BG URL in the top and you're good to go. Tweak it as much as you like~


Just as an FYI for anyone with tiled backgrounds -- replaceĀ 

background-attachment: fixed;


background-repeat: repeat;

and you'll be solid! o3ob


I would totally be using this (and hoping it looks fine) except I haven't decided how much I want to shell out for premium =3=

my profile now has tiled backgrounds because i bought premium!



And small updated but most custom CSS does not show up on mobile! This is probably a good thing tbh though lol


I used this and thank you so much! ;v; I'm still really confused about a lot of things [like how to edit this because i have 0 css knowledge] but thanks so much for sharing this!


I can't thank you enough I was literally whimpering and staring at the screen .___. *hiccups*

This is so handy! Even with a teense bit of css I was screaming "WHAT GOES WHERE" s-so yeah ;A;

I super appreciate this. ;w; <3