Show me your buggy babes!

Posted 7 years, 1 month ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by Prismakry

Show me your buggy babes!

I thought it'd be fun to see other people's buggy type chars, because buggies are cool! bee's, moths, spiders, mantises, you name it. If your char has elements that clearly are buggy then I wanna see em! They can still be mostly humanoid, as long as it's clearly obvious they're supposed to be a bug of some sort :3

and yes, pokemon gijinkas of bug type pokemon count as well, before anyone asks <3

Nkiru pajuxi

I recently made a whole buggy species!! they are based mostly on argentine ants but also stag beetles, caterpillars, grubs, tarantulas and a little bit of praying mantis LAUGHS


This one is my favorite/ the mascot and i love them to bits ;w;



Lemme see!


Oh my gosh I love them :o


You have so many lovely buggos, love it!


He doesn't have a profile because I have no idea what to do with him (design offered by a friend), but here's my buggy :



Super cute!

Private gingertoadstools

I hope that my roly-poly soldier boy is buggy? enough? my friends have a mantis boy and moth girl who are less humanoid but they dont have THs. On pvt's gallery i drew a picture of them though? VocoV iunno have a good day

Caroline "Hive" Martin Helminthia

Hive is mobbed by all these awesome buggy OCs

I love all these characters! <3 So cute.


Moving this to the Character Discussion forum!

Carrion Jutta

Carrion's my little bug boy


I also have Presley who's physically made up of a bunch of bees but I don't have any images of him like that yet


I have 3 jewel wasp "sisters" Peri happens to be my favorite.

 Elytryx Mothman

I have a few buglike designs being someone who's super into entomology but the only one I have posted rn is my good and powerful daughter elytryx 

✷ Cad Trolluminati

A bug type demon. I still got no pic of her bug appearance but It's already seen on her humanoid form that she's a bug

 Glenn Feinny

There you have my most annoying parasite, a shiny scolipede gijinka ! //Heneedsaredesign *sigh* 

