MYO commission Thread

Posted 7 years, 2 months ago (Edited 6 years, 6 months ago) by otos


Both of users need to Read and Agree with ToS carefully before and Must take care of it.

The user can open design commission for myo-oto, OR User can commission for a design of your MYO to the artist.
The commission prices have to set at same or under from Total Slot Prices* (same as your MYO slot price. Option cost can add to it. ),
or commissioner can be gift Un-used MYO slot that comes from current MYO event (* commissioner need to purchase 2 slots finally for You and Artist) for this artist If they would prefer getting an MYO slot instead commission price.

*Under 18 years old user MAY NOT get the money from This as Reward. Only allowed for receive a MYO-Slot.
 If the underage user gets the money from it, Commissioner have a rights to back your money from Artist and cancel that commission.
 (because of allowed Paypal ToS, I'm sorry for the inconvenience!)

- Unless Artist wants to draw, Commissioner may not force to draw a detailed design.
- Artist may not get both of rewards (money and slot) or forced to change the reward to the commissioner.
- All commissions must be stated on This Thread. If you will post for looking this commission on Forum/Journal too, You must be stated the URL of that thread to your post on here. (for prevent to make any problems with both of user)
Fill this form and post is required on here:

[I'm] Commissioner / Artist
[Request] *only For Commissioner required, only for simple requests! (like color etc) you may not force anything(like imitation etc) that violated MYO/General ToS or detailed design to an artist.
[Examples] *only For Artist required, you can put design examples on here (1-5 designs links are preferable I think!) you may not put anything(like imitated, heavily referenced design) that violated MYO/General ToS. and do not put NSFW art.
[Reward] {$$}USD / 1 MYO slot (can add request for apply the option you'd like to)

  1. Send PM to specific user(commissioner/artist) you want from parent post
  2. Consult with both of users
  3. When both of users find the buddy from it, the user needs to edit parent post to close.
  4. The reward must be payable in advance. If will purchase a slot as the reward, must be purchased before a deadline for the slot(s).
  5. Goodluck!
* Disclaimer: @l-l will not take a part of any problem that you made from it under any circumstances. It means, Both of users need to solve each problem If it's happened.




[I'm] Commissioner

[Request] Red hair, Red eyes color, Diamond symbol please!

[Reward] 45USD