Character Development

Posted 7 years, 4 months ago by yuutayo


Before you submit/create a character for this universe make sure to read through these questions about them! That way you can easily determine whether or not they fit in. The questions are not necessarily obligatory things to add to your character profiles, but are mostly just to help give your character depth and make things more fun.

  • First and foremost; why are they in DreamScape? Why did they join? How did they get wrapped up in this lifestyle, and why do they continue living the way they do? How old were they when they joined?
  • Has your character ever been arrested?
  • What are your characters skills? What do they do the best, and what part do they play in the Organization as an asset?
  • What is your character less skillful at?
  • Is there anything your character WON'T do, in terms of breaking the law etc etc? Where do they draw the line?
  • Where are they from, what what they past/childhood like? Are they from another country? Do they speak any other languages?
  • Do they have family/relatives/friends or any other ties to DreamScape?
  • What does your character go by, aside from their name, do they have any nicknames ? An alias ? Are they comfortable with their name and who they are, and if not then why ?
  • What does your character do? Not just for a living, but on their freetime, when they are bored, when they are sad, angry, what are habits or hobbies that your character commonly takes part in.
  • Likes and Dislikes.
  • Do they believe in "good" and "evil", "Right" or "Wrong" ? What are their motives in life, what is the thought process behind their actions.
  • Can they wield a gun?
  • Bad habits ?
  • Strengths and Weaknesses.
  • What is their temper like? Are they easily angered? Quick to sadness ? 


Below are some helpful links, and feel free to post any questions you have in this thread !

My characters: SawyerLionel

List of Personality Traits

100 Questions to Ask Your OC

Character Profile Outline