Create a gemsona for the person above! 💎

Posted 7 years, 4 months ago (Edited 6 years, 2 months ago) by you-are-butt

Me: You dont need to make anymore games
Me to me: Yeah you do

But yeah! This is a create-a-game where users can draw gems (based off of the characters in steven universe) for each other!

Here’s how this will work:
  1. Post a claim! 
  2. In your claim post, describe what sort of gem you’d like for the person under you to draw. If you have no preference, that’s okay too! You can choose to give them the option to draw you whatever they’d like!
  3. Draw the gem the person above you requested! When you’re done, be sure to edit your original post and/or PM the art to them. Do NOT make a new post as it’ll mess things up.
  4. Have fun!
But of course, we gotta have some rules, too:

  1. You have one (1) month to deliver the art you claimed. If you haven’t produced art (or at the very least told the person you owe art to the reason why it’s taking so long) in that amount of time, I’ll send you a warning. If you haven’t produced the art in that amount of time, I will ban you from this game. Don't be that guy.
  2. You may not claim another person until you’ve finished your first claim.
  3. Please wait until at least two people have posted before you claim again. The only exception to this rule is if 24 hours have passed and no one has claimed the most recent poster. 
  4. You may not use a dress up game / doll maker / avatar maker to play this game. You MUST draw.
  5. Put effort into what you give! No one wants to receive a stick figure. Give something you’d like to get! You don’t have to be a ‘great’ artist to show a lot of love and effort!
  6. Say thank you! It’s really disheartening to put a lot of effort into something for someone and not get a thank you. Even if you don’t like what someone drew for you, be sure to thank them.
  7. Don’t steal art / designs. I shouldn’t have to say this, but I know I have to.
  8. You may not trade / sell off the design you get unless the designer says you may. If you’re unsure, ask them.
  9. Don’t cause drama! If you have a problem, PM me about it.

    New rules as of May 26th 2017

    10. You may not request for someone to draw a pre-existing character. This is a design game. Meaning, someone has to design you something. If you have a character who doesn't have art and is some sort of gemsona it's alright to request someone design them. What's not okay is asking someone to draw a character who has already been fully designed.
    11. Please give the person above you a fully finished piece! This can mean a different thing to different people, but in this game, it means at least color the design you give. Doesn't matter if it's traditional or digital as long as it's colored!

    New rules as of June 27th 2017

    12. Now that there's the ability to delete your own posts, I'd like make it very clear that if you do so to avoid filling your claim, you will be instantly banned. I repeat, do not delete your posts from this game.

    13. Since you can no longer see posts of blocked users, from here on out, I ask that everyone pings the person they're claiming in their post to ensure that no one is skipped.

    Banned Users: 
    Maimai / Maimai976 / all other side accounts

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I believe I'm allowed to claim again. Hah so I guess I'd like a Larimar who's like super chill, Maybe a modern hippie or eco witch type clothing. I guess close to MIsty Day from AHS for clothing ascetic. Edit: Or maybe morganite who likes comfy sweaters and leggings edit:

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I added another if no one likes my first idea. bump


 Claaiiim!  Done! I hope you like her @Tye


I'd really like a cute little Apatite that loves frills or an elegant Moonstone!

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