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New Complaints Board! [let ur rage flow]

Posted 8 years, 6 months ago (Edited 6 years, 3 months ago) by lillywise

*** please read! ***
if you catch anyone vagueing and know 100% they are (or have a super gut feeling), please pm me right away! make sure to include any evidence/backstory that you have, so i can deal out the appropriate punishments. i will not allow vagueing on this board any longer. it is not fair to anyone who attends or views this board.

Decided to finally freshen up the rules and clarify them! Please let me know if you would like anything added. 

make sure each square of color is the same on BOTH the text and background tabs! it should come out looking like any of these, depending on the color you choose: text || text || text 
you must have WYSIWYG on! 


A new complaints board for those wanting to let off steam, scream at their computer or let out bottled up feelings. Please read the rules below and stick on topic as well as you can. I do not mind various non-complaint related conversations from time to time! 

Rules of the board:
■ No hate speech, death threats or callouts allowed. If caught, I will most likely ban you immediately and report you to the admins.

■ Please block out triggering material with black like this: content.
- if your post contains ANYTHING referring to, or about: 

◘ rape / molestation / abuse (physical/mental/emotional)
◘ pedophilia / ephebophilia
◘ homophobia / racism / etc.
◘ suicide or self-harm
Please black it out. If you are caught not blacking out your text multiple times, it can end up being a ban-able offense. 
If you are feeling suicidal, please reach out to me or call this hotline: 
USA: 1-800-273-8255
Other Places:
Your life is precious, never forget that.

Do not list any names of people you may be upset at. To clarify, no name dropping, no passive aggressive hinting. This includes all admins, me, members of this site, members off-site and closed species. (in short, ANYONE EVER.)
 Do not make passive aggressive statements towards someone who frequents the board, regardless if they are blocked or not. If you see someone doing this, please notify me ASAP.
■ If someone is blocked from this thread, they are no longer to be discussed in the comments. Take your discussions elsewhere, or to a private PM.
■ No topics concerning controversial politics or religion. Examples include extremists left or right topics, racism, political correctness, etc. Or trying to call out someone here for not following your political party. 
■ Do not fight with your fellow thread mates. If you must, resort to PMs to carry out your conversation. Clean debates on accepted topics are OK. 
■ If you do not like the way things are run here and would like to see a change, please PM me! This also applies if you catch someone breaking any of these rules. 

Sister boards:

For Positivity: The Congrats / Positivity Board

If you would like your board hosted here, PM me! 

Punishment Guidelines:
■ 1st offense: Warning via PM/comment. I will monitoring your posts for a few days after. 
■ 2nd offense: Possible Ban. You will be added to the block list, and no longer be allowed to post here. 

Banned Members:
■ madame-aiko 
■ ultimation12
■ vyness
■ varkarrus

Again, these people are NOT to be talked about. Do not shame, ridicule or harass them in any way. Choosing to break this rule will result in a warning or ban. If you wish to know why these people were banned, please PM me. 


@Ravermonki I had that same problem, too. Here's the solution I found. shake yourself off as well as you can before stepping out of the shower. Like, lift each leg and shake off the excess water, shake excess water off your arms, too. But it's mostly the legs because the rest of the water you can get with a towel before it drips down onto the rug.


'Urgent or Emergency' Resells that do not, in any way, shape, or form constitute a financial emergency. Needing money for an adopt is not an emergency. /___\


i want to experiment with some css stuff on my user profile but i dont wanna... ugly up my current profile while i do so ; _ ;


noisechannelrocker *Hugs you* I hope you feel better soon, dude. Liveeeeee

My complaint: The girl who harassed me and cheated on my friend is at it again, only this time turning his friends against him. So ready to go to Reddit, Tumblr, and any other major form of drama-collecting social media and post the screenshots I have of her awful, rude behavior and harmful threats. 


Ugh... I think I'm developing a cold. Throat is sore, stomach hurts, coughin, sniffling... This sucks...


when people try to convince you that you're wrong, but they have no idea what the fuck they're talking about 


kavaro The urge to say something to them was strong. They did not read what was happening at all.


Vin yeah >_> blind whiteknighting at its' best. ignorance does not shine well for some people...

yamyam oh dear god XD i would smack them around so hard. it's funny how people don't realize that makes them look so silly


So I just moved into my very first home with my husband. We haven't been able to live here for a year since we were waiting for his military contract to go up. 

We have been here less than a week and the inlaws went on a cruise. No problem. But they have these two HUGE dogs that are outside almost 16 hours of the day every day. They're monsters. One is like a small horse and one is medium sized but is pure muscle. We have to dog sit them while they're on the cruise. I love dogs (have 2 of my own), so I figured why not? We either bring them to our house or sleep on an air mattress at the inlaws house. Sorry but I'd rather sleep in my comfy bed in my own house... so we bring them to our house and let them sleep in our warm large insulated garage.






Would have been freaking GREAT to know before hand. Now my new house reeks of piss. Thanks ma. Fantastic. That was only the first night. 3 more to go. Ugh. 


The ex made me feel awful. Kind of just wishing I could go to sleep and never wake up.