Home for the Holiday

2 years, 6 months ago
1292 1 3

December SL Casual Event Entry

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It was ironic how a sound so soft could drown out all the festive commotion around. *Crunch, crunch.* His steps tread lightly on fresh powder snow. Despite the shrill cheer of children, trilling bells, the cacophony of carols... the crunch was all he could hear. 

*Crunch, crunch.*

*Thump, thump.*

Or maybe it was his heartbeat that was so loud. He was keeping perfect time with every step, quick as his heartbeat was, and it was hard to distinguish the sounds without truly focusing. And Hwan was anything but focused. 

Vacant eyes affixed themselves to clasped, gloved hands before him. Despite the bitter chill, his face flushed hot. He never thought he'd find himself here; in fact he swore he'd never let himself. But what choice did he have? 

Quick steps gradually slowed, and Hwan looked up to face twinkling lights. A large tent stood erected before him, adorned with festive lights and cheery ornaments smack dab in Sun City's square. Streams of people flowed in and out. This was it. The mayor's holiday giveaway: a charity event. 

He had dressed in his finest; pristine pink mittens, sleek button-down coat and warm, wooloo wool lined boots. He certainly didn't look the type here to receive charity. The truth of the matter was, though, his "ranch" was failing. Maybe he'd started too big. Or maybe he wasn't advertising enough. Either way, he could hardly afford to feed his few pokemon, let alone himself. This charity event was at least one night he wouldn't have to worry about putting food on the table. But the shame of asking for handouts anchored him in place. 

When he lived with wealthy parents, everything was given to him on a silver platter. One handout meal wouldn't seem so different if he hadn't left home under oath of working his own way up in the world. 

"No way," he sighed, defeated and ashamed. Surely word would spread back to his family. He couldn't face his father after being proved wrong. This had just been a bad idea. 

"Woo?" Even through thick boots, Hwan could feel a soft nudge against his leg. Sofia. So caught up in his thoughts, Hwan had almost forgotten his dear sylveon and woobat hybrid had been following on paw. Glossy eyes met his with worried intent. Her nose found his palm, and was rewarded with skritches. His free hand brushed up against the scant remaining pokeballs on his belt. Since leaving home, these pokemon were all he had.

"This is bigger than me now, isn't it," he muttered. "I can't let you go hungry to save my pride."

"Are you here for the meal giveaways?" Hwan nearly toppled from the unexpected voice, saved only by Sofia who moved to stabilize him. Then realizing his fumble, flew to straighten himself. 

It was a young woman, perhaps his age or younger, who'd crept up on him. Though her smile was earnest, the way she leaned so close into his personal space put him on edge. And frankly, her name badge, lit up with festive lights somehow wired directly into her sweater that he could only describe as a fire hazard, took attention more so than any of her direct features. 

"Meal... giveaways..." he parroted, dazed yet mesmerized by that blinking badge. That blinking volunteer badge...

"Yeah, the meal giveaways. The mayor's charity event? Did you... want one?" 

"Oh, uh, yes, we're here for the meal giveaways. We uh, wanted to volunteer!"

"How wonderful! For as late as the event is running, it's never too late for signups! Come on, I'll take you to the team lead!"

"Woo?" Sofia trod behind, pleasantly baffled as her trainer was hauled off. It didn't bother her any. From the handouts table or the volunteer's tent, either way they'd be fed.

"Enjoy," Hwan waved off yet another diner. They'd placed him at the end of the serving line with a ladle of gravy. It wasn't so bad out here! In fact, why he hadn't thought of this sooner was beyond him. Too embarrassed to see the obvious, he supposed. Sofia and Swiffer, his puffy swablu, had been volunteered for dish duty. Coldblooded Kashi on the other hand, was fortunately allowed to work in the volunteer tent dishing out hot chocolate and marshmallows to the workers where it was slightly warmer. 

Such cheerful faces filtered in and out all evening, Hwan was getting a crash course in small talk. He could only thank arceus the line moved fast enough to hide his social ineptitude. Every single other volunteer had been stopped at least once by friends or relatives for friendly chit chat and catching up. It made Hwan all the more conscious of how few people he really knew. No wonder the ranch was suffering. He had no outside support, no word of mouth. He needed... friends...

"Baby? Is that you?"

Hwan snapped back to reality, breath caught in his throat. It seemed he did know at least two people here.

"Mom? Dad?"

"Oh Hwan! We've missed you so much!" In one sweeping motion, the woman glided around the counter and collapsed into a deep hug. Hwan merely stood there, stunned. "How have you been? Are you eating enough? Why haven't you returned any of my calls?"

"I... uh..." Hwan couldn't take his eyes off his father, who stood stoically off to the side, returning his gaze just as intently. "Rattattas chewed through the landline wiring. I haven't gotten it repaired yet."

"Oh, no matter. Your father can send someone out to repair it right away-"

"NO," Hwan remembered last minute he shouldn't be yelling in a public place, certainly not a charity event of all places, stifling himself into an awkward yelp instead. "Er, no, thank you. I can take care of it. I just need to find the time." Finally, his father averted his eyes, but inched closer. He was reliving their argument that drove Hwan to move to his own ranch, he knew. It was all Hwan could think of too.

"Don't be silly, love, it's no trouble! You have to make time for your family!"

"Really Mom, I'll prioritize it but I can do it myself."

"If you can't take your mother's calls, you owe her an evening of catching up, at least," his father approached at last. "Why don't you come home for dinner with us?"

"Oh, what a wonderful idea! Please Hwan!" His mother stood and started tugging his sleeve, but Hwan didn't budge. Confused, she turned, finding her son and husband's eyes locked.

"I'm here giving charity. I don't want yours." His lip quivered, eyes full of fire. 

"This isn't about charity, son. It's not about working your way up or who's right and wrong. It's about your family missing you." He was jolted by the sad sincerity that hung in his father's damp eyes. It gave Hwan pause- he couldn't recall ever seeing his father cry. 

"Just... one cup of hot chocolate," his mother persisted. And his mother... she'd just gotten caught up in the middle of a dumb power play. Seeing her hurt was the last thing he intended. 

"One." Though the single word felt heavy, it was if a weight had been lifted once it was uttered. Gleefully, tearfully, his mother clasped his hands. "Just one."

"Oh baby, I'm so glad! Come come! Everyone's missed you so much!"

"Now? But I just started- Uh, hey Tess? Can I swap for a later shift?" It was more a notice than a request, as Hwan was whisked away half against his will. 

Sofia looked up just in time to see their trainer ushered off. She tilted her head, debating if she should grab the others. If she dragged them along, would it mean double snacks?