AHHHHHH WAHHH HAIDA... im so soft... i would like to know more about his curse past... CHICORY CAN FIX THIS CAT   

Omg thank you ahdgsgs Haida is still a huge work in progress while I figure out his details but!  He's very hung up on honor and is afraid of curses.  His family are all rot cursed because of some mischief one of his ancestors pulled - its generations later and the?? Other race that cursed him just decided that everyone in his fam needed to be cursed because they said so and... none of them questioned it ffs

He's a bit like Hanzo from overwatch in that he does stupid things for the sake of his family's honor, but he has friends in Chicory and the others even if he can't appreciate them yet ;u;

omg... thats such a spicy backstory... i love him... :pleadingemoji: