Starnies Prompties

2 years, 2 months ago
1 year, 8 months ago
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Chapter 5
Published 1 year, 8 months ago
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Author's Notes

Party Hearty: Got a party animal on your hands? What's your Starnie's favorite activity at a Halloween party? Costume contest? Bobbing for apples? Decorating for the party itself?

(Answer: Planning the party)

October 2022 - Party Hearty (S)

"But Iuno, what kind of holiday is it if you don't even have a party?!" Iuno looked down at the girl practically hanging off of her arm - clearly a mistake, those puppy dog eyes were downright lethal. She felt her heart already melting out of her chest. "People are putting up decorations, those are for parties right? We should have a party!" Pia shook Iuno's arm a bit for emphasis. "I'll help with setup and cleanup and everything!"

Iuno couldn't help but to chuckle. "Alright, alright, I'm not stopping you. But, who are we going to invite? Do you know a lot of people or something?" She watched the ever-excitable Pia. "I'm pretty sure all of my friends are going to other parties that you wouldn't like." Just before Pia protested that she would actually like the other parties, Iuno added "Those parties are going to look like that haunted house you couldn't even bear to approach. There'll be a frozen hand in the punchbowl. Spiders in the ice. Blood dripping from the ceiling. You really wanna go to one?" She quirked a challenging brow, a small smirk dancing on her lips. "I certainly don't mind going to them..."

"No no! Nope, no I think I'd rather hold one here. Besides, half of the fun is in setting it up isn't it?" Iuno could see right through the excuse, but didn't push the issue. "I've been doing research on different things that can be set up at these parties, and there's a bunch of cool stuff- I think it'll be fun! I can invite my friends, I actually made a bunch while you were in the hospital that one time." Pia beamed as if proud of herself. 

"Alright then, I'll follow your instructions. Tell me what to set up, little starlet." Iuno shook her arm free gently. "Only rule's that no one goes into the bedrooms or storage, so those rooms'll be locked up. Bathroom, kitchen, main rooms are fair game. So's the porch and the yard. Oh, and no alcohol. You're underage." Iuno stared at Pia for a few moments, calculations in her eyes. "...Probably underage, at least. I don't know how old you are but you look like a kid. So still no alcohol."

Pia pouted indignantly. "Alcohol stinks anyways, why would I want it?" She didn't get stuck on that too long, quickly moving along to the topic of decorations. "Ok, so, I was thinking a bunch of orange and black streamers - those are the holiday colors, right? I can put those up near the ceiling around the main rooms. And those cotton spiderwebs, we can tuck some of the little spider-rings into them as well. We already have our jack-o-lanterns outside...oh! Could you set up an apple bobbing barrel please? And maybe put some little pumpkins in there! Pumpkins are seasonal, right?"

Iuno knew that no one could bob up a small pumpkin - unless they could get their whole mouth around it, pumpkins were harder than apples. She figured going along with that would count as a 'trick'... "Yeah, sure thing. Want me to put hay bales and big pumpkins around it? We still have some uncut ones."

"Oooo yeah yeah!" Pia's eyes were sparkling. "That'll be great! I'll put the punch into that cauldron bowl you have-"

"Make sure you submerge the ladle, otherwise it'll just fall to the floor and make a mess."

"-yeah I'll be careful to! And...and candy apples! Oh, what if we bobbed for candy apples? Oh, but the candy would just dissolve....candy-your-own-apple bar?" She scrunched her face up as she tried to think really hard.

"...nice try, but I'm gonna say probably no on that. The candy'll prob'ly burn if left bubbling that long, and it's dangerous to boot. Candy them beforehand if you're gonna do them. But also, probably do only one - bobbing or candying. Otherwise there's too many apples and they'll just rot. Which would you rather?" After some deliberation, Pia chose to go with bobbing for apples. "Sounds good. Could still make some pumpkin pies if you want something sweet. Or maybe have a costume contest with the winner getting a pot of candy or something." One look told her that Pia agreed with this plan. 

"Alright then...lets get to work on this place. We've only got a few days to spiff it up."
