Starnies Prompties

2 years, 2 months ago
1 year, 8 months ago
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Chapter 6
Published 1 year, 8 months ago
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Author's Notes

Trick or Treat: It's a classic for a reason! You're never too old to beg for free candy! (Whether or not you'll get any is an entirely separate question!)

October 2022 - Trick or Treat (S)

Pia was practically vibrating in place next to Iuno. Excitement strummed through her every cell. Iuno had explained this event to her - wear costume, get candy from people! She didn't exactly understand why the trust was different (weren't you NOT supposed to accept candy from strangers?), but she personally really loved the thought! Plus, costumes were fun! Why wouldn't she participate? 

This found her, a cute little fairy with glittery, homemade wire-and-pantyhose wings, standing next to a vampire queen she could hardly look at without blushing. Iuno was handling many of the prep tasks - checking buckets for stability, making sure they're peppered for the weather, and the like. She actually had wrapped a pretty purple scarf around Pia's neck to make sure she didn't get cold herself. But..

"Um- Iuno? Isn't that, uhh, a bit chilly?" Pia fiddled with the fringes of her scarf in embarrassment. "...bit low cut?"

Iuno stared at her for a moment before barking out a laugh. "Pia! I usually wear shorts and a bikini top, and you're worried that this is too revealing? Nah, I'm good - 'sides, the cut sections are actually stuck to me. Fashion tape is really good to avoid mishaps!" She lightly tugged at the revealing neckline to prove her point. It didn't budge. "No unnecessary reveals. And the leg slit is something I'm used to. Honestly, I figured you'd have more issues with the blood... Anyways. You ready to go?"

With an excited "Yes!" courtesy of Pia, they headed out the door. The crisp air nipped at their noses, but felt nice once they got moving. Most of the houses they visited reacted the same way - cooing over the "cute little fairy" and complimenting Iuno on taking her little sister out for the holiday. 

Honestly, she'd take it. At least she got candy, too.

She almost lost track of where they were until reality smacked her and she pulled Pia back from the sidewalk they were going down. "You know what? Not this house. We're going to the next one."

Pia was rather confused by this - "but the children before us went here! They've got at least some decorations, the light's on like you said! Why not us?" Iuno dragged the questioning Starnie along to the next house. 

"We're not going there! That necklace-stealing jerk lives there!" She huffed. "Forgot he was on this street, son of a..." She glanced around. "This'll be the last house on this street, 'n we're changing neighborhoods. Don't trust this place if he lives here."

(For the next several streets, Pia kept asking why "son of a mother" was a insult, but Iuno never seemed to give her a straight answer.)

They truck or treated late into the night, until lights were being turned off and doors locked and no other people were active. After a successful trip they returned home and stuffed themselves full of so much candy that neither of them wanted any for the next few days.