Certain Doom Session Notes

2 years, 5 months ago
2 years, 2 months ago
13 1608 1

Entry 1
Published 2 years, 5 months ago

Mild Sexual Content Explicit Violence
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Session 0: Nice to Meet You


  • Gilly tries to read Dante's book using Comprehend Languages and looking through her familiar Fluffy Cat while Dante fails to push her off the table
  • Dante leaves the tavern after the owner threatens to call the guards for the commotion
  • Dante follows Gilly and attempts to communicate with Fluffy Cat telepathically
  • Gilly comes outside and starts drawing attention talking about magic, and Alastor disguised as a blonde man with purple eyes comes up to them
  • The three of them sit down at a tavern to talk about magic
    • Gilly learns magic from books, but is drunk and stupid and doesn't tell Dante anything useful
    • Alastor says he was born with magic, which Dante immediately finds not useful
  • Dante wakes up the next morning with Fluffy Cat in his bed, who is just as useful at sharing information as Gilly