Nox level requirements!

5 years, 5 months ago
4 years, 10 months ago
7 665

Entry 5
Published 5 years, 5 months ago

I will just be posting the writing needed to level up in Nox here

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Level 3 -Part 2-

Alpha Persei and Beta Tauri are loving mates who have been running the pack just about from the beginning. Alpha is kind towards Tauri and deeply involves her in any decision making to do with the pack. Although these two are extremely close they don’t plan on having pups any time soon as while building a pack they do not need to provide for pups, yet...

There are no other wolves in the pack just yet so their relationships are open to others as a pack of two isn’t really a pack at all just yet.

Although Persei and Tauri are very close they have theit squabbles and arguments over pack matters or other things.

—“Tauri, you need to eat if you want any chance of beating this sickness” said Alpha sweetly but forcefully “But Persei-“ Tauri was interrupted by a cough which racked her lungs “Persei, eating hurts, it burns” Persei turned to her with fear in his eyes “Tauri, you will eat! I will not let you starve!” Persei carried the peice of prey towards Tauri—