Mangled Wires

1 year, 8 months ago
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"Uh-huh, uh-huh."

"Are you even listening?" the older god huffed, he wasn't exactly mad--perhaps a bit frustrated, but the sigh that escaped him shortly after Techno turned his back on him, proved that he was just...mostly tired. The god of time kept his brown eyes trained on the modern god, waiting for something to be said. Instead, the quick little taps of the younger god's keyboard filled the weird silence between the both of them.

Techno took a quick side-eye glance at his superior, hoping that diverting his attention to one of his computers would cause the whole discussion to end and have him be left alone.

However, to his disappointment, Tally continued to stand in the same place behind Techno's desk.

How great, the god of electricity thought to himself.

It seemed that there wasn't a day that he wasn't constantly under Tally's watch, it felt almost suffocating.

"I just want to be left alone for one minute, please," Techno groaned, his typing growing aggressive but he kept his amber eyes on his monitor. Tally let out another sigh, lately, he had grown more and more worried over his subordinate's reclusive behaviour. It was one thing or another: either the young god spent too much time alone, cooped up in his own room or he was found in someone's office after a fight with Tokyo.

The god of time didn't know what to do with the troublesome god. Usually keeping the young one occupied with council work would do the trick, but it seemed that he would get quicker with finishing work every time he assigned him any. At this point, he would run out of anything to give him and keep him busy. One could probably say that he was becoming as quick as his own lightning.

Finally, Tally nodded. "Just please be there for today's meeting, the Angelic Council will be discussing last week's concerns and I need you to be there with Saturno," the time god said, already on his way to exiting Techno's room. Careful to avoid any stray cables or wires that might have been scattered about on the floor.

With the sound of the door shutting, Techno nearly flew out of his chair.

He made his way to the back of his room, past several bookshelves that housed countless books. More than just books, an occasional device was tucked in between the rows of encyclopedias and textbooks. Monitors and old junk in boxes stood in piles before reaching the end of the room, as if the god just carelessly shoved all of his things to that side. Tally had to constantly tell him to clean his room, not that Techno ever listened. And the god of time was too repulsed by his subordinate's disorder that he never tried to actually clean it himself either, so nothing was ever really done about it.

Looking up at the wall, it was all covered up by servers. Their blinking lights flashed brighter and in such a manner that it almost seemed as if they had detected the god's arrival.

Techno reached over to what seemed to be a VGA port and pressed a finger to it.

A click was heard and before the god, the wall of servers separated itself into an entrance to another room.

It was dim. All sorts of wires hung like vines from the ceiling, ones crossing others and connecting from one machine to another--and those were wires that had nothing to do with the servers. It looked like the god stored any and every kind of device and electronic in there.

From the end of the long corridor of servers, a strong blue glow emitted. Stronger and stronger with every step that Techno took towards it.

“Welcome Techno,” a disembodied voice responded to his presence.

The god let out a sigh, greeting the large floating pane of light before him.

“Hello to you Eva.”

The light pane began to display countless ones and zeroes. The numbers running across the entire area of the pane until reaching the very end, blinking for a moment--then showing the name of the god in several forms of script before settling to the regular roman one.

There was a series of little beeps and noises, like electronic thinking as Techno began manipulating the smooth pane--swiping left and many ways past windows of text before the pane vertically expanded to display the reflection of the short god.

“It seems to me that you’re not doing well,” the voice noted as soon as the electronic noises ceased.

Techno let out a huff, staring back at his form in the pane and carelessly combing strands of ebony hair with his fingers. “Clearly.”

The noises kicked back up, again, stopping as the voice spoke up. “Is it your superior again?”

A nod.

“As I thought.”

There was a short pause. This time the noises were unheard, waiting for command, something from the god of electricity.

“I’m heading out,” Techno finally said. He looked up at another smaller light pane that emerged from the already existing one. Lines of data began to run on it, appearing like scrambled letters typed out in random sequences--millions of them ran per second.

“Need I remind you that you have a scheduled meeting with the Angelic Council later-”

“I don’t care,” the god responded.

The voice hummed for a second, before replying, almost with a giggle to its tone, “It’s veryyy important, sir.”

Techno did not reply nor repeat himself.

“What would Tally think about that?”

No response.

“Or Saturno-”

“I’m leaving the heavens for a while,” he cut the voice off. It earned him a curious hum.

The noises came back up, this time the beeps were of lower frequency--they joined the short humming of Eva. “So that’s why you called off your one-on-one meeting with that one angel…interesting…”

“Raphael,” Techno said, adjusting his bolo tie as his amber gaze still fixed itself upon the reflection.

A singular beep.

Another hum arose from the disembodied voice. “Raphael…” it repeated.

“And well-” Techno started, fixing his collar.

“Can’t have a meeting if I’m not here, now can I?” he said looking back up at the smaller light pane that floated above his head, it continued to run data.

“I think you should go as the judgment angel this time,” the voice perked up as the running data came to a stop and the light pane vanished.

“You mean Gabriel?” The god of electricity tapped a finger to his chin, pondering for a moment. He glanced back up. “I don’t see why not, I haven’t done a council member yet though.”

“It could be fun.”

“Yeah, it could,” the god answered, smirking at the idea.

It wasn’t long before small white wings emerged from both sides of his head. Straight ebony black hair coiling into blond curls and his formal wear replaced with a toga. His now bright blue eyes, no longer behind lenses, looked back at the changed reflection on the large pane.

“What do you think?” he snickered, placing his hands against his hips--head wings flapping excitedly.

“It’s splendid,” the voice responded. If it had a face, its most probable expression would have been a devious smirk as it practically almost snickered along with the god.

“You never fail to amaze me, Techno.”