
2 years, 1 month ago
2 years, 1 month ago
3 2016

Entry 3
Published 2 years, 1 month ago

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Syn was travelling, always, she found herself back in the city where she started her journey. "I may as well visit an old so-called friend." She entered the busy city and couldn't help being reminded of her first encounter...... 

It was Syn's first time in Pandrea, the capital of Solaria. She newly arrived in Solaria, the night before. She found herself in the outskirts of Pandra, it was barren and dirty. She wasn't a fan of dirt and when another Kiamara told her of the larger town nearby, curiosity took hold of her. She wants to explore this new land, and to find out why she was summoned here. She made her way up the hills and cliffs until she reached the capital city. The tall walls blocked her view inside, she made her way to the daunting entrance. She'd been in cities before but this one is different from what she was used to. It was made on a flat mountain, perhaps terraformed? 

She looked around and saw many maras were selling and buying. There was lots of chatter and it was loud. She couldn't help but notice a 'Mara rich with jewels, and she went to her stealthy ways. She lasted what? One day before being a thief. The rich Mara was busy chatting away to a vendor, 'this is my chance.' 

With that, she moved swiftly, using the shadows to her advantage. In her homeworld, she was able to go completely invisible but in this new land, that ability was taken away from her. She'd had to remember what it was like before she learnt invisibility, remembering to stick to the sides and use the shadows to her advantage. She swiftly walked with the crowd, pretending to be a part of them while keeping to the shadows, like she was taught. The rich Mara was still busy chatting away, when Syn was in range, she wasted no time in stealing some gold and jewellery. She managed to unbuckle a bracelet swift like a hawk swooping down on its prey. She also stuck her paw in the rich maras pocket and pulled a pouch of coins. She quickly walked off, hoping to stay unnoticed. She went deeper into the city, no one noticed she had gotten away with stealing. She'd had no use of the bracelet and decided to try to sell it. 

She noticed a trade shack and waited her turn as other maras were lined up. 

It finally reached her turn, she noticed some of the chatter from before. That usually the trade shack was manned by a creature and this was a rare chance to meet a mysterious Mara.

"Want to buy anything? Or yer here to sell?" The kiamara asked her. 

She handed over the golden bracelet, encrusted with gemstones. The shopkeeper inspected it, "My name is Sal. How did you come across this particular item?" He questioned her. 

"It simply landed in my paws." 

"Hmm,  I'll give you 10 credits for it." Syn nodded in agreement, as Sal turned around he quickly beckoned an authority figure and pointed at Syn and showed the clearly stolen bracelet. With the guard wrapped up in trying to capture syn, Sal made off with her stolen bracelet. He ratted her out and stole from her. How dare he!  she'd heard stories of a kiamara that looked like the description that's been told. He isn't trustworthy one bit and will do anything to get the heat off of him. Syn was his getaway as he ran off with her bracelet. 

.... she'd made a foe that day and now she's back in Pandrea, she's going to get Sal back. She's going to steal something of his and get her 10 credits.