October 2022 Unbleeder Prompt: Changes

1 year, 7 months ago
1 year, 7 months ago
3 2226

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 7 months ago

With October many look forward to Halloween and other celebrations as the weather chills but ontop of that in Caer Sidi the politics around unbleeders shift as the position of the head of the hounds, formerly held by Ari, shifts to Ceridwen Llawes. Aswell as many public buildings and transports in the city requiring ID's and Llawes HQ raising security. Many changes follow from this that effect many Unbleeders and Citizens alike but many also simply enjoy the cooler weather and celebrations.


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Trick-or-Treat Part One [Ruth/Superhot]

"You must be Adria."

Superhot shot a smile down at the older unbleeder woman. Looking her over once, those two tall horn inserts with the strings of coral connecting them together before bowing her head as she offered a hand.

Adria smiled up at the young woman as she nodded, taking her hand in turn with a gentle squeeze. "I am. You must be Superhot, it's a pleasure to meet you. I guess Ruth spoke about me?"

"Mhm she did." Superhot nodded, smiling.

Adria only nodded in turn, noting that the young woman didn't seem to want to speak further as she broke off the handshake and leaned into the home. "Ruth! Your friend is here."

"Coming!" Ruth called back, quickly finishing the last additions to her outfit.

Taking a deep breath in and then out as she ran her hands down her front and sides. Once, twice. Tugging the accessories on her neck and belt.

Halloween... Something she used to do back in the states, trick or treating with her older sister when they were both 'of age' for it but... still a nice holiday to enjoy either way.

Dressed in a dark purple, almost black leotard with gray tights underneath, a gold chain belt hanging around her waist with round red beads along them, a lighter purple cape wrapped around her shoulders, clipped to her chest with one of the same gold and red beads. The cape reaching down to her knees, with its hood pulled up over her head and clipped to cover all of her hair, leaving her face in shadows. Eyes done with dark eyeshadow and eyeliner (with Adria's help). Long fingerless gloves covering her arms and a black choker around her neck.

It wasn't exactly to the character she wanted to dress as but was good enough to her. Dyeing her hair and dyeing it again would kill it. Staring at her reflection for a long moment before she quickly exited the room and stepped into the hallway.

"I'm here-" Ruth pausing as she looked towards the door where Adria and Superhot stood, bringing a hand up to her face at sight of her friend as she muffled a laugh, "Really?"

Superhot's tall frame dressed up in a thick coat that covered her up, collar popped up with a similar pair of thick baggy pants matching the jacket. Both being a tanned color with bright yellow and silver stripes. The only familiar parts of the outfit being the shoes, Superhot's normal dark boots with the steel toes and her belt which was, thankfully, empty save for a few pouches.

"What's wrong with it?" Superhot hummed back, hands falling on her hips as she tilted her head and Ruth chuckled softly.

Smiling as she brought her hands up and waved. "Uh nothing, nothing! It's just... it suits you."

Adria smiling at the two girl's antics as she chuckled under her breath before nodding. "Have fun you two, alright?"

"We will." Superhot quickly hummed back, Ruth joining her side.

An arm slinging over her shoulders, Ruth leaning into the half hug before turning to her mentor. "You and Callie too ok?"

"Oh don't worry about us." Adria quickly waved, nodding. "We'll just be watching movies and handing out candy most of the night."

"Kid not into halloween?" Superhot chimed, curious, Adria half nodding in turn.

"Callie gets quite nervous around crowds. We'll be going out when there's less people."

"Right." Superhot nodded, Ruth stepping up.

"We'll see you two later." Ruth turned back as Superhot took her hand, the two descending down the apartment steps, Adria waving them off.

"Be sure to send me pictures!”

Superhot's smile widening as Ruth turned back and nodded in turn. "I will!"

Turning back and the two walking together.

"She's nice." Superhot commented with a grin, Ruth sucking in air between her teeth.

"Don't say it..."

"I can't believe you got adopted."

"Mark said that already!"

"Hey hey! I'm not teasing. Not fully. She's nice for being a 'not mom' figure lol." Superhot smiled at Ruth, squeezing her hand before looking ahead of them and mumbling. 'Still better than your actual mom either way....'

Ruth frowned. Breaking the hand hold and tugging the cloak around her shoulders, Superhot pauses to watch her before looking away with a sigh. Fuck.

The two quiet at that. Superhot frowning to herself as she looked down the street to keep her mind busy. Seeing young kids out with their parents trick or treating, running from door to door, smiling.

Ruth eyed her hands as she rubbed her inserts that sat below the cloth, glancing to Superhot then back to her hand which she squeezed shut. Dropping her limbs to her sides and taking a deep breath.

"Where did you get the outfit?" She hummed quietly but it was a touch playful, Superhot chuckling as she leaned into Ruth.

"Oh this? I just... fouunnnd~ it."

Ruth huffed in turn as she looked up to meet Superhot's gaze before turning away with a laugh. Damn it.

"Alright. I'll believe that for tonight.... Will you at least. Y'know. Return it later?"

"Yeah yeah I will, don’t worry." Superhot straightened up with a laugh, fixing her collar before pausing.

Leaning into Ruth again as her arm wrapped around her shoulders, playfully tapping at the red bead clasping her cloak together. "Unless you want me to take it off now."

Ruth sputtering at the motion and quickly batting Superhot's hand away, making the taller unbleeder laugh in turn as she squeezed them together before breaking apart, walking ahead of her. "You're so easy to tease."

"Whatever, let's just get Mark." Ruth huffed, smiling as she watched Superhot walk ahead of her.

Hands clasped behind her head, stretching up and looking at the sky as she walked. Ruth looked up with her as she took a deep breath and sighed softly.

It's going to be a good Halloween.