October 2022 Unbleeder Prompt: Changes

1 year, 7 months ago
1 year, 7 months ago
3 2226

Chapter 2
Published 1 year, 7 months ago

With October many look forward to Halloween and other celebrations as the weather chills but ontop of that in Caer Sidi the politics around unbleeders shift as the position of the head of the hounds, formerly held by Ari, shifts to Ceridwen Llawes. Aswell as many public buildings and transports in the city requiring ID's and Llawes HQ raising security. Many changes follow from this that effect many Unbleeders and Citizens alike but many also simply enjoy the cooler weather and celebrations.


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Changes Part One [Tecca/Endivia]

Change wasn't new to Tecca.

Many things had occurred in her life in what really amounted to a short period of time.

Dying. Being resurrected. Her insert being broken.

All within five years. Well. Six soon.

But five years so far to process and grow from one change after the other.

So why was this any different?

Laying back as she stared at the ceiling of her hound dorm. Waking up earlier than the other Hounds but instead of kicking off the day with a smile and high energy, greeting the early birds and starting to work down her list with a nice breakfast...

Tecca didn't move. She couldn't move.

This was different. It hit those around her, rippled, shifted the course of everything for everyone involved. Even outside of the Hounds. Things were changing faster than any of them could grasp.

This was harder.

And some of the other events in her life, even with all the therapy and all the work, she still hadn't shaken. Hand drifting. Circling. Halfmoons. Gliding past the starmetal that rested on her forehead.

Running over the cracks.

"Tecccccaa~ darling." A woman's voice cracking through her silence.

Cringing. Eyes slowly moving off the ceiling as she looked towards the source of the voice. Sitting on her dresser beside the bed, her earpiece which was glowing a soft blue color.

Active. "Helloooo~?"

Closing her eyes as she took in a deep breath, mentally counting before rolling over and tapping the small ear piece as she picked it up. "I'm here Endivia. What is it? We're all lighter on our public work right now, you know that."

"Oh Tec..." Frowning. Only one person got to call her that.

Starting to sit up as she held the piece close, Endivia continuing to speak with a softer tone. "I understand that you all have been granted a break from the publicity work because of the obvious... but we've already decided how to spin things and you're the only one behind at the moment. We wouldn't want fans to worry and start questioning right?"

"Right." Tecca replied blankly, shaking her head as she could hear a muffled clap.

"That's it! I know it's going to be hard but you'll feel better once it's over, right?"

"Right. Anyways Endy! I'll talk to you after I have coffee." Tecca hummed, bringing energy back in her tone as she stared at the ceiling, Endivia chuckling.

"Oh alright darling! See you laaaterrr-'' Click.

Tossing the ear piece onto the bed as she took a deep breath and let it out in a groan as she ran her hands over her face. Drifting past the curved starmetal and running it through her short hair. Alright.

Standing up and stepping over to where her phone sat charging, unplugging it as she quickly scrolled through her contacts. Briefly checking over a few messages before stopping at one and taking a deep breath.

Cracking a smile on her face as it rang and holding it up to her head.

"Hey Pop." Crossing her free arm over her chest as she tilted her head, briefly smiling as Myron greeted her before staring at the earpiece on her bed with a frown.

Making sure her tone stayed light as she forced a smile. "I'm good. Just got up actually. How's your morning so far?"

Author's Notes

Endivia! Basically Tecca's PR person/personal PR assistant. She's fun :]

Also Tecca internally struggling with the Hounds situation mentioned in the October event page... she's. Dealing.