In the Family of Things

1 year, 5 months ago
4 months, 6 days ago
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Chapter 2
Published 1 year, 5 months ago

Drabblecember 2022, featuring Dianthus, Theseus, and Asterius.

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Prompt 2: Kind Gestures

Prompt #2: Kind Gestures

Summary: Dianthus, cursed with being extremely average height, finds she needs some aid within her library.

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Warnings: none apply for this one!

The wall of books stood imposing before Dianthus. The specific novel she needed- an illustrated collection of various insects native to Egypt- sat on a shelf that was just barely beyond her reach.

This was yet another moment where Dianthus hated her average height. The ladder she typically used in situations like this had been broken by some of the library’s rowdier patrons, and Lord Hades seemed to be in no hurry to replace it.
Perhaps when Prince Zagreus once again appeared within Elysium, she would pester him to get on the task himself. He seemed much more timely than his father, if nothing else.

But for now, she was at an impasse. Once again she reached up, as if by determination alone the bookshelf would somehow bend to her will. Unfortunately, the book continued to sit where it was, mocking her with its golden spine.

“Come on, now!” she groaned, “Am I to scale this shelf like I’m some kind of goat? Or perhaps if I kick you enough times you’ll topple over. I’ve faced foes worse than you, I’ll have you know!”

Too focused on her impassioned rant, Dianthus did not notice the figure who appeared behind her… But then a large and furry hand stretched out and grabbed the very book she’d been trying to reach on her own.


“Lady Dianthus,” the bull snorted, “You were being loud.”

“Ah! My apologies, Sir Asterius! I hope I did not interrupt your readings.”

“It’s fine.” Asterius gave a curious look to the book’s cover, and once his curiosity was satisfied, handed it to Dianthus. “No ladder today?”

“Heracles and his rabble broke it the other day or night.”


The minotaur fell silent, his long eyelashes fluttering to a close. Dianthus couldn’t help but to notice the slight twitching of his ears. A sign he was deep in thought, she assumed.

Eventually, he spoke: “Since you lack your ladder, I’ll aid you until it is fixed.”

“That’s very kind of you, Asterius… but there’s really no need!”

“I want to. You’re too short to do this on your own, regardless.”

As badly as Dianthus wanted to protest… Asterius was right. She was too short to do this on her own. And besides, it was always nice to spend time with the bull, though their current task was more work than pleasure.

“Fine! I suppose you’re right… come along, then. The next book I need to gather is on the other side of this shelf!”

Asterius nodded, following behind Dianthus as she led them both to their destination.

(And if Asterius briefly got one of his horns stuck against a low ceiling in the library, well… it would certainly be a learning experience for Dianthus, that being tall really isn’t all that.)