
1 year, 5 months ago
1 year, 5 months ago
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Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 5 months ago


Myron meets his soon to be adopted daughter Arwen for New Years

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Chapter 1

Myron stood in front of the orphanage, chewing the inside of his cheek nervously before taking a step closer to the door. It was his first time taking Arwen out for something and it was for the new years. He had planned that they would go to the beach to watch the fireworks and on the phone Arwen had sounded excited but the little girl did get a little shy at times and last time she had hid most of the time behind one of the caretaker’s legs.

Ringing the doorbell he could already hear running feet inside, rushing to the window to see who it was. First one to show up was a dark skinned boy and the moment the boy saw him, a smile spread on his face and he waved at him excitedly. The Unbleeder waved back with a smile, then the boy disappeared from the window and the door opened. The man who opened the door was Lark, one of the caretakers of the orphanage. “Myron! You’re here to pick Arwen up, correct? She has been talking about you the whole day ever since we told her that you were coming over today. Come in, please.” The young man stepped aside and let Myron in.

Once inside and the door closed behind him, Myron took off his shoes and coat. “The little lady is still asleep but I think it should be her future dada who wakes her up, don’t you think?” Lark grinned as he crouched to pick up one of the smaller kids. Myron could feel his heart fluttering in his chest when he thought about the word. “You know where her room is, correct? Second door to the left and then fourth to the right.” The younger man reminded him and Myron was grateful for it, he knew where to go but a small reminder was never a bad thing. “Thank you, Lark. I’ll bring her to the common room when she’s awake so we can go through the plan for the day.” The man smiled and nodded, leaving Myron to head to Arwen’s room on his own.

The orphanage was a relatively old building and there were a lot of signs of living that made it look homey, drawings taped to the white walls to bring some life to them and Myron couldn’t help but to wonder, what would his house look like in a month? Would he also have drawings everywhere? Some sharpie stains on the walls and what not.

Upon reaching Arwen's room, he opened the door quietly before closing it behind him after stepping to the room. Arwen shared the room with another child but the other little girl seemed to be elsewhere. Carefully sitting to the edge of his soon to be daughter’s bed he watched her sleeping form for a moment before reaching to brush some of the bright red hair from her face. She was so small and to Myron she also seemed so fragile that he almost feared to touch her. Lump rose to his throat as he thought what his life might be like soon. It made him so happy but he was so, so afraid of something happening to Arwen.

He would do his absolute best to keep her safe. That would be his New Year’s resolution for the year 2036 and all the years to come after that for as long as he could. “Eύπνα μικρή πριγκίπισσα.” ((Wake up little princess)) He murmured in a soft voice, gently brushing Arwen’s cheek with his thumb. The girl didn’t open her eyes but a smile rose to her lips as she pulled Myron’s arm against her body and rolled to her side. “Myyyr…” She muttered sleepily as she rubbed her nose against his fingers. Myron wanted to say something, anything, but instead he pulled the girl to his arms and hugged her tightly.

One month. One month and his life would change forever.

Or so he thought, not knowing that it had already changed for the better after meeting the little redheaded Welsh girl.