A Garden Meeting

1 year, 3 months ago
1 year, 3 months ago
2 3210

Chapter 1
Published 1 year, 3 months ago


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Author's Notes


Characters: Nagi and Aurora
Affliction shown: Craft Jar (Nagi)

Wordcounter: 1 226
Activity: Foraging -> Forest

Submitted by: IAmQwerty

Chapter 1




The forrest seemed to hum with life as the wandering spirit Nagi moved his way through the dense underbrush that surrounded him. Hearing the call of some winged creature, he gazed upward and studied the looming shape of the canopy that hung above and filtered what little daylight remained.  This light served well enough for him to see the path of trodden earth before him, and he felt he should use this time well to continue his foraging for the day. So, throwing the bundle of sticks and flowers over his shoulder, he slowly hovered between the trees, until he found himsel standing before a rustic structure of glass and metal. The spirit’s bell chimed softly- his head tilting to the side, as a ribbon slowly moved out to grab a flower that proved to be beyond his reach. The glass structure, whatever it was, blocked his path forwards and made his path impossible. A puzzle, he thought- and one he would solve.




What the creature found themselves in front of was a rather massive greenhouse-like structure. One abandoned to time and largely reclaimed by the flora it once contained. Several of its large glass panels were either gone or broken and the once golden filigreed metal were rusted and bent. Nature grew out of every crack and along every surface, in fact a veritable jungle was found within. Trees with moss covered trunks and canopies overtaken by ivy vines. Thick bushes and bundles of flowers coating the ground to the point one would have to fight to get even a few steps and the scent of herbs and berries hung thick in the air. Suggesting a heavy bounty for whomever chose to attempt such a feat however.

One creature that had given the chaos a chance was currently resting on the roof top. Laying draped across one of the remaining glass plates to soak up whatever warmth was left behind by the sun that had stood high in the sky all day. She was laying on her back with her long legs sprawled out and when she let out a long yawn her toes curled inwards. She rolled around following so she could push herself to her feet and stretch her paws as far as they could go. Her tail lashing out to pick up her moss covered key before she begun to walk aimlessly up towards the rooftop. Her claws clacking against the glass despite the soft, black goop that coated her sticky paw pads. 

However her trek came to a slow halt when her ears caught the sound of a bell. She heard them often. The Soria Gardens has been infested with them lately after all, yet this one came from the wrong direction. Towards the outskirts. The place beyond. She canted her head ever so slightly before she quietly turned around and stalked towards the edge of the greenhouse to peer over it. Eyes tracing the ground in hopes of finding the source before it disappeared.




Nagi looked inwards, his gaze trailing along the winding vegetation that was trapped within it. He could make out the shapes of various things, but the call of the flower he studied remained at the forefront of his desires. He hovered closer, tracing his ribbons along the ground until he felt the shape of something rough against the touch. Looking down, he would see grass sprouting around the shape of a moss covered stone. This, and a few blades of grass, was soon pulled into his grasp as he studied the fragile glass that blocked his way forward. Was this a test of strength then? He could feel the weight of the rock, and his ribbons shifted as he pondered what solution would be found within this puzzle he now faced. Taking the grass and putting it into his pouch, he would begin to move the rock along his ribbon- letting it roll back and forth across the fabric. 

It was then though, that he spotted the aged glass didn’t cover every panel, and a simpler solution came to him. The bell chimed softly as the solution to such a puzzle became clear, and the rock he held was pushed atop the flowers he already held in his satchell. The shingaling moved up and began to press himself through one of the open panels- the bell in his head rattling with the effort. He would have this flower- for he had seen many Dewberries like it before, but not one of this size.




Aurora's eyes caught the creature rather easily once she reached the edge of the roof. It wasn't like it was attempting to hide, unlike her. At least it didn't seem like it was. The dark little creature standing there fondling a rock with its long... ribbons. Oh no, it was another one of them and yes, it was apparently about to infest her gardens like the rest of its kind had. 

She watched it wiggle and rattle around as it tried to squeeze itself between the glass panels to get into the greenhouse. Into her home. Her slick paws curled against the glass and her claws scraped across the hard surface in annoyance, forcing a ear-splitting sound to ring through the forest. She flinched and yanked her paws back. Swiftly pulling herself back and out of sight. Her eyes darted around to try and find cover which in truth wasn't hard. The roof was as overgrown as the rest of the greenhouse after all and before one could blink she had dived headfirst into a particularly fat, leafy, rose vine. Hiding all of her but the inky mushroom cap covering her head. While it wasn't likely the creature could even get up on the roof it was better to be safe than sorry, right?




As the sound of screeching glass filled the air, Nagi felt his feelers spring up in alarm. His body, now entirely inside the greenhouse, pulled away from the opening a couple times before he settled into a hopeless slump. He sighed. Slowly, he hovered upwards and began to secrete a touch of orange slime along the edge of the panel, until he was able to pull himself inside. He would fall down next, managing to get himself hovering again just in time to avoid an unpleasant collision with a bush of thorns that waited below. Keeping his soul hidden, the shingaling pressed its head against the pane of glass and scanned the forrest for any manner of screeching beast that had forced him to enter so quickly. 

After a while though- his gaze would turn around and settle upon the brilliance that was the dewberry flower. His ribbon slowly stretched out and wrapped itself around the stem before he gently plucked it so that he could admire its brilliance. Then, moving the satchell back in front of him- he placed it inside. This wouldn’t do though- for such a treasure could easily be blown away. Another puzzle, it seemed. This time though, he was sure the rock was the answer. He took the rock and plopped it ontop of the flower before slinging the satchel back around so that it rested between his small wings as he began to study the rest of this strange place. Nobody had ever told him that a forrest could be indoors as well…