8 months, 1 day ago
8 months, 1 day ago
2 1971

Chapter 1
Published 8 months, 1 day ago

A Work in Progress log of my dnd game involving Ayrith Warmin.

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Author's Notes

This literature is going to be just my main notes/recollections from arcs and sessions, and later I will flesh these out into a more book-like format. This is more for having a backup of this writing on here, and to let people read if their interested

Before the Campaign

Ayrith and her brother, Andorin, set out to go on an adventure as a group. However, as they travel to find a town, the pair manage to travel quite a bit of distance before a harsh storm blows in. Becoming separated, Ayrith manages to find a cave to wait out the storm, unsure of where her brother is. After everything has settled, she goes to find Andorin, and comes across an adventuring party who took Andorin in over the night. He’s bonded with them, and asks Ayrith if she’d be okay with him leaving. She gives him her blessing, and begins to travel on her own. Surprisingly quickly, she finds her way to a small town named Blackmead, and makes her way into the local tavern to take a rest.