Magic Training

1 year, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 months ago
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Chapter 3
Published 1 year, 6 months ago

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Magic Mastery

Chalice sighed as both her and Eddie made their return back to his circus. Ryder was a great mentor, yet she was still unsure how easily she would be able to pull off her creation magic. She made fantastic progress, so much so there should have been no worry in her mind about being able to just use said magic again. However, she had this nagging feeling. This worry that once she would leave Ryder, she would somehow stumble backwards and right back to step one. Add onto that, her return meant she was returning back to her stress. Something that she had put off for the sake of getting more training and meeting her mentor. Her deliveries still needed to be finished, so did her orders. And while she loved what she did and it meant a lot to her, she couldn't lie- she wasn't enthralled about returning back to the reason of her exhaustion at that moment. However, if she didn't get started eventually, it wasn't going to be getting done anytime soon. "Chalice...?" Eddie's voice called, trotting close beside her as the two got closer to their destination. "You aright?"

"Just nervous." She was honest. Why would she lie? It wouldn't help any. Not only that, but this was Eddie. If there was anyone she couldn't keep things from, it was him- he knew her far too well. But she knew she could do this- she has managed it before, after all. Eddie was quick to nuzzle his face against her own, getting her to fondly look at him. "Don't be! Ryder really helped you! And you did great! You've got this under control!" He cheered, giggling when Chalice returned his nuzzle with her own. "Thank you."

As the two grew closer, Chalice had to admit, she felt herself grow more nervous. Not just for her power, but for her deliveries and orders. Once she said her goodbyes to Eddie, she was going to be returning to her mess- granted, it was her own fault. She took on far more than she was actually able to handle. Hindsight certainly is something special, that was for certain. Regardless, she insisted on at least walking Eddie home- she didn't want him to take a longer stroll than he needed to, after all her home was far. Not to mention she felt she had already taken up so much of his time as is, she did not wish to take up any more of it. There peace was soon interrupted, once more by Eddie's sister. "Eddie!" She cried, looking stressed. Eddie immediately looked concerned, rushing up to meet up with the brown sushi dog. "Leona! What's wrong?" She whined, biting her lip. "The magician won't be able to make it tonight! We've amped her up far too much, that everyone will be disappointed if I tell them she won't be here. Oh, and not to mention the other acts tonight- Alexei and Arashi have been doing what they can, but I'm not sure how much longer they can go on!" She whined again, covering her face with both her paws. "Fazzy's doing his best too but this show has been a disaster..."

Eddie was quick to begin panicking as well, his fur on end. "What!?" He cried, looking around as if to see if there were any problems around them at that moment. "How did this happen Leona?"

"One thing after another kept happening. At least two sooshes got sick, one got hurt, another just can't get here in time..." As Leona continued to list problem after problem, Chalice felt her brows furrowed. She let herself retreat into her headspace, thinking. "I... I don't know what to do Eddie. I... I messed everything up..."

"No don't say that Leona! Things happen! I'm sure we can figure something out, we always do!"


"Please take me to the show." Chalice said bluntly, interjecting in Eddie and Leona's conversation. They both faced her, baffled. "Chalice...?" Leona asked, tilting her head in thought. Then looking towards Eddie. Eddie stared for a moment at Chalice in thought. He didn't know what she had going through her head... but he trusted her. With a nod, he started to lead the way. "Come, Leona! We must lead Chalice!"

Once the trio made it to the tent, it certainly was... a little hectic. Before a comment could be made, Leona beat her to it. "This time, we were focusing our show heavily on magic. Yet not a single magical act could make it... b-but you already heard that part..." Leona whispered the last part. With that new tiny bit of information, Chalice agreed. It would have been quite difficult to just tell multiple sooshes, who have potentially traveled far for a magic show, that none of the acts could do their show. She tapped her chin. She peaked out into the main area, seeing Alexei keep the crowd of colorful dogs entertained. But the problem was, it wasn't what they were promised nor here for. "I'll be the magician tonight."

"What!?" In sync, both Eddie and Leona cried the word towards Chalice. "But you've never p-performed before!"

"And your already so busy Chalice! I don't want you to get more behind than you already are!" Eddie cried. But that was it. When Chalice looked at him, she saw how genuinely upset he was. Looking at Leona, she looked so stressed. To Chalice, she felt this was the least she can do. To show support back to Eddie, for his consistent support to her. "I... may not have ever performed before but... I am at least willing to try. At least for a night." She then booped her nose against Eddie's own. "I want to help you like you have helped me." Then she turned towards Leona. "Allow me to take some of your stress away." There was silence, both the siblings looking towards one another, then back to Chalice. "Are you... sure you wish to do this?" Chalice nodded. Leona nodded, albeit hesitantly.

Leona patted away, peaking out to the show floor to begin gaining Alexei's attention to come back stage. While the two quickly chatted about the new plan, Eddie looked nervous. "Are you really sure Chalice...? I don't want you to feel like you gotta do this..." She shook her head, leaning her forehead against his own. "I have to try. For Leona... for you." He looked at her, eyes filled with so much love. "This circus means a lot to you. Every show you host you are always sure to make it as best as possible- I won't let a string of bad luck ruin that track record."

Before Eddie could interject, Alexei had already trotted out to begin introducing the "magician." "A-Are you ready Chalice...?" Chalice nodded, standing to by and awaiting for her introduction to the crowd of expectant sooshes.

"Now I know it took a while, everyone here today greatly apologies for that! But fear not! For one of our magical guests has finally made it and is ready to put on a performance for you! Introducing Chalice!" Cheers rang as Chalice went out onto the showground. Eyes were all on her, everyone excited to see some magic that they had been wanting to see. She wouldn't lie... this wasn't her thing. At all. But, she had to trust that she could do something to help. She waved to the crowd, bowing her head. "Apologies for my delays. I hope you may forgive me. Now, are you all ready for a show?" In response, everyone cheered again. Oh boy, here she goes. She was really doing this. With an affirmative nod, she pulled her hat down on her face. "Breathe. Trust yourself. Envision." She said under her breath to herself. Chalice felt she had to make this work. After taking a deep breath, she placed her paw behind her back, a pink glow starting to eminate from her. Its glow only growing brighter with every passing moment. She let out a breath calmly, then brought her paw in front of her and pushing it up. After a soft "fly" was heard from Chalice, it did as instructed. Following her order and began to flap its wings around the room.

It wasn't a lot, but it seemed to be a good start at the very least. Hearing some small "ooo's" gave her a sense of encouragement. Perfect. She could create more birds to work her magic act, she knew she could do it. She grabbed the rim of her hat and put her paw in it, another bright pink glow emanating from it. Then, she tossed it up. "Catch." Just as quickly, the bird did just that. Two more birds fluttered out, gaining some more interest. She was happy to see that, at the very least, she was being entertaining for the crowd. She then spotted a young soosh, getting her to smile. With her paw, she gestured towards him. He looked back and forth, then pointed to himself. "Come, I don't bite." He hesitantly did so, approaching her and tilting his head. "Hold out your paws."

"Okay..." She then made a whistle, more geared towards the bird that still had a hold of her hat. It quickly flew over to Chalice, clumsily dropping her hat next to her. She then gestured to the boy's head, it fluttering to land atop it.The young soosh giggled as the bird landed, smiling brightly. Grabbing her hat, she placed her paw inside of it, creating another soft glow. Then the child gasped, seeing her pull out a rabbit. It hopped right into his own paws after Chalice gestured for it to do so. She was glad her worries were unfounded, as thanks to Ryder... she was able to use her magic. And seeing how easily she was managing to create, she knew she would have the help help could need from these creations- even if temporary. She had to remember to thank Ryder more formally, that was for sure. While she continued to do what she could for the show, behind the scenes Eddie was giggly and smiley while watching her. He was thankful she was so willing to help... and he was genuinely, genuinely so proud of her.