Magic Training

1 year, 5 months ago
1 year, 5 months ago
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Chapter 2
Published 1 year, 5 months ago

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Magic Practice

After Sanjay and Oliver's return, Julie was relived. She could finally start to head off to... what was it? Savory village? Julie, admittedly, wasn't doing well trying to be secretive when it came to rushing them to take Luca and go home. She wanted to head out as soon as possible, after all her power was... a little... not great at the moment. However, Julie wasn't the best at keeping secrets- so, naturally, Sanjay figured it out. He was first flustering over Luca, making sure she didn't accidentally do anything. "SANJAY I TOLD YOU HE'S FINE-"


She understood his fretting, but it didn't make her any less pouty about it. Once he was sure Luca was fine, he sighed. It was not his plan, he truly wanted to relax after a long trip- but he wasn't going to leave his sister to make the journey by herself. Which led to him accompanying her, after all, he didn't trust she wouldn't get lost. "I've never been this far from home..." Julie commented, looking around the village. The village was full of other sooshs chatting and having fun, some buying things, others just relaxing. Sanjay hummed, looking around as well. "Its much busier than I expected it to be." He commented, keeping an eye out for a particular soosh. "Ah- excuse me!" He cried, running off towards a blue soosh. "Sa-Sanjay wait for me!" Julie cried, quickly running after him.

She turned to look towards the voice, a warm smile gracing her features. "Why, hello dear. And who might you be?" She asked, her voice as sweet as honey. "My name is Sanjay, and this is my sister-"

"Julie!" She cheered, interrupting him. This only got her to giggle. "Pleasure to meet you sweethearts. My name is Edena."

"Oh perfect, it is you." Sanjay sighed with relief. Another soft giggle. "I assume you need some mentorship, if you were looking for me specifically?" Sanjay shook his head, gesturing towards his sister. "She needs mentorship." Julie only awkwardly chuckled in response, suddenly feeling slightly bashful. "Ye...Yeah..."

"Well then, you came to the right place cutie. I'm more than happy to help you. Now," She had her full attention on Julie now, nodding toward her. "What exactly is the issue?" Julie sighed, sulking her shoulders a bit. "I picked up a chicken but suddenly it was turning into something else-"

"A chinchilla-" Julie shoved her paw over Sanjay's mouth, silencing him as she continued- which got a small chuckle from Edena. "But it didn't really... ah... work out."

"How so?" Julie honestly felt embarrassed having to share what happened. "W-Well... he didn't... entirely turn into it. Like, he got its tail and ears, maybe even two paws but was still a chicken. He was clearly really uncomfortable and dazed from it." Edena blinked, feeling a tinge of worry. "It did turn back, right?" Julie nodded immediately, shaking both her paws back and forth. "O-Oh yes ma'am it did! Within about a minute it went back to being a normal chicken, sorry I should have clarified that!" There was a sigh of relief. "That's good to hear." Edena responded. "Have you had any other instances of doing so or...?"

"Nope." Julie commented, biting her lip. "Should I be... worried?" The mentor chuckled, waving her paw. "Oh, sweetheart no no! Not at all! You just need a gentle paw to help guide you, that's all!" There was a sigh of relief, from both Sanjay and Julie. "I'll just have you stay with me for a few days while we train you. That way we can be sure there won't be any more accidents, okay dear?"

"I'd appreciate that, thank you so much!" Julie cheered. Sanjay nodded, gently patting her head. "I trust you'll be okay on your own with Edena then?"

"You won't stay too?" Julie's voice sounded disappointed by the news, which only got a laugh. "I have to get back to Oliver and Luca, Julie. Besides, I think you'd be more distracted if I stuck around." She wanted to argue against his statement... but she really couldn't. He wasn't that wrong in his guess. With that said, he headed off, leaving Julie with Edena- telling her he'd be back by the end of the week. And to do her best.

The two sushi dogs sat on a rooftop, more so a rooftop patio. The sound of a loud, bustling village before them. Julie's ear flicked, brows furrowed as Edena sipped some tea. "Shouldn't we... go somewhere more quiet?" Julie asked, tilting her head as she looked over the crowds. Edena merely hummed, putting down her tea and gently patting her paws. "I disagree. In the quiet you may gain a stronger understanding of your powers... but life is not meant to be quiet." She stated, gesturing towards her village.

"As such, I feel it best we start practicing here." She instructed, nodding to herself. "Okay..." Julie responded unsurely, fidgeting with her paws. Just then, a small squirrel came up to the two of them, causing Julie to jolt back in surprise. "Ah, perfect." Edena said, reaching a paw out to the small creature. It sniffed curiously, but gripped her paws all the same- getting the two soosh's to giggle. With her other paw, Edena slowly and carefully grabbed one of Julie's. "Wait wait-" She said quickly, stiffening. "Relax dear." She said calmly, placing a small piece of food in Julie's paw as she made her reach it out the squirrel. "Breathe."

"B-But I still don't know how to control my powers or even how to do it I don't-"

"Shhh dear." The squirrel sniffed Julie's paw and started to grab at her paw- which began to glow green. "Ah its doing it Edena help-"

"Clear mind, Julie." Julie turned to look at her, brows furrowed in genuine concern. She knew it would never hurt the animal- so it looked last time, anyways. But if it were her, she knew she wouldn't quite appreciate being half-turned into something. And she worried if the creature would be stuck into whatever she ended up doing to them. "I want you to focus on the squirrel, focus on it turning into... hmm... ah yes, how about a bird?" She commented, nodding towards the small creature. Julie turned her attention back to the squirrel, who seemed to be gripping her paws tighter- she knew it was starting. She took a deep breath in. "Okay... bird." She said, more to herself. She tried tuning out the bustling sounds around her, focusing only on feeling the little hands that held onto her paw. The little chitters from the small creature. She pictured in her head the idea. The idea of a squirrel changing shape into a bird. Focusing hard on that idea. Soon, she felt a flutter of wings instead of little squirrel hands. It wasn't a monstrosity of a messed up transformation like the chicken either- it was a bird. She gasped, shaking her paws as she smiled. "I-I did it! Its not a monster!"

Edena simply laughed at her response to the transformation. However, the transformation was very short lived, as within but a few moments, it reverted back to its original self- causing Julie some disappointment. "Don't worry dearie, with time the transformations will last longer."

"I'm just relieved it went okay..."

"With more work, you'll be able to do that without even thinking on it. But, for now, we shall continue our training." Julie nodded, with a small, awkward laugh. "Y-Yes ma'am."