Nighttime Thoughts

1 year, 1 month ago
436 1 2

Puck is awake while others are not, and they have a thought-

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Puck opened their eyes, the gentle sounds of Cereza and Leon sleeping surrounded them. They made no noise as they gently distangled themself from the other's limbs, trying to make sure not to wake them as they climbed back out of bed, having been unable to fall asleep.

Silently, they slipped from the room, moving to a window to stare out at the night. They hadn't been sleeping at all recently, and they were starting to wonder if that was another thing that had been taken from them, along with their humanity. They really hope not, as the only time they got to escape their new reality is when they're unconscious or distracted by being as over the top as possible with the others, and they can't do that when the other two are asleep.

As a car passed on the street below, the sound muffled by the height of the window, Puck felt the pang of hunger and scowled at their own reflection in the dark window. It wasn't something they could deal with by themself, and they refused to wake the others, they deserve their rest rather than dealing with Puck's non-human bullshit.

And there was no force currently on this earth that could convince them to go out and attack random people for blood. Not only does it go against their morals, and the fact they don't want anyone else to know about this weird mutation of theirs, but they can't jeopardize the safety Leon had found for them and Cereza, the last thing they need is for her to become another experiment.

Puck shuddered, the fear of that happening rose higher in their mind, and they drew the curtains across the window, turning away as they heard the quiet patter of feet approaching them, Leon, they could tell without even looking.

He draped himself over their shoulders, not bothering to stifle his yawn, "what you doing?"

Puck smiled for him, patting his arm soothingly, "thought I heard a cat," they said brightly, tilting their head at him, "we should get a cat."

Leon snorted in quiet laughter, "already got Cereza," he said before tugging gently at Puck, "speaking of, come back to bed before she starts biting me in her sleep."

Puck grinned at him but let him pull them back to the room, "you say that like it'll make me wanna move more."

Leon whined sleepily, and continued pulling them, and to keep him from their thoughts, they went easily with him, slotting themself back into Cereza's arms as she slept while Leon made himself comfortable again on their other side.