A Galaxy Untouched

1 year, 1 month ago
10 months, 20 days ago
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Chapter 10
Published 10 months, 20 days ago

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Era 1: Log Date ---

Log Date…- we haven’t established a time or calendar system yet, however I will use that when we do.

Good evening to whoever out there is reading this, I am not keeping this log personal so anyone in our Empire may read it freely. This is [NOT FOUND], reporting on behalf of- no one.

Right, let me start from the beginning, the day our Empire truly began.
It was the day in which the star exploded, the creation of the third and our latest Diamonds, Solar Sienna. The Empire was in uproar, I remember celebrations lasting night after night at the creation of a new diamond. Much like it had for Prismatic’s arrival. Speaking of Prismatic, her pearl, the Pink one, might honestly still be partying to this day. Though it’s been a while since the creation so I’m not entirely sure.

Moving on. Ever since that day our Empire has only grown, entering into a dawn in which our Diamonds have been declared as “Era 1”. Not entirely sure what Era we were in before, maybe Era- 0? 0.5? Whatever it was, it was nothing compared to the Era we walked into.

Era 1 began with a reorganization of everything, courts, statuses, everything we had grown accustomed to was shifted one way or another. The purposes that Starless had given up were adjusted to fit into the new vision of the Empire a bit more. Our statuses became standard, Sapphires being one rank, pearls another, and so on. Buildings, which were built with freedom to our builders, were also standardized, a system of architecture was established by Solar Sienna.

Our Empire simply shot to life as some of the gems like to say, it got itself together and stabilized into a system of structure and clear meaning. The newer gems, which many came out with “coding”, as the technicians and kindergartens called it. They knew their purpose, their ranking, everything about the empire was given to them the moment they formed. Unlike many of us who formed before Era 1 who had to learn everything and only knew of our diamonds and nothing else. It was different, it was strange and it was new. At least for a while, but it became more.. Comfortable. There really weren't any more questions to be asked of our Diamonds.

Speaking of which, our contact with our direct diamonds has decreased even with Starless who loved all of us, though I’m certain she still does. If we need to talk to any of them, we now submit requests for meetings through “screens”, new technology that many of us older folks are still processing. But half the time a direct meeting with our diamonds isn’t approved, instead their pearls will answer the questions or direct us to “elites” who can.

That’s also a new thing, the Elites of our Empire. When I mentioned our hierarchy being shuffled around I meant it. An elite class became clear and everyone in the lower brackets would report to the elites. You no longer report to your diamonds (if you did you were one lucky gem and honestly I’m jealous of those who do). As I was saying, we have superiors now, I personally report to [NOT FOUND] if that matters to anyone reading this.

With all of this being said, I don’t hate the changes, everything has really fallen into place and everyone seems to understand why this organization was needed. These screens are in fact really handy, I’m not entirely sure where I am going to upload this, but I’ll make sure that it has a feature where gems can ask questions. I know more than I lead on and I think I’ll keep updating stuff like this as time goes on.

For now, toodles and I’ll see you mystery readers in the next segment.
Leave any questions or comments below I suppose (still not sure that’s going to work).