A Galaxy Untouched

1 year, 1 month ago
10 months, 18 days ago
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Chapter 4
Published 1 year, 1 month ago

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A New Force

Yet another successful kindergarten, this one much quicker than the ones prior, only 5 cycles. It might be that Starless Stygian Diamond has gotten down the key to gem creation or that the technicians of the Empire have actually told her where to place the gems this time instead of her shoving random gemstones wherever she saw fit. Whatever the case might have been, the formation of the Orange Court came sooner than Starless and any gem anticipated and so it was celebrated. Though the celebration might have also happened due to two Sapphires forming in this batch and Starless’ clearly biased opinion towards the gem type.

Nevertheless, the celebration was grand and was intended to celebrate all the gems of this Empire, not just the new ones. Starless stood upon a messily put together podium, as buildings hadn't been figured out, but the court made sure to give their diamond something high to stand upon. She raised a hand, the crowd falling silent.

“Gems of all kinds, new and- somewhat old. Thank you all for your loyalty and your existence as a whole. This is just the start of something much grander as the galaxy has gifted me and in turn all of you life to mold this universe. We shall triumph in every way possible and so with the formation of these new gems I’d like to declare something.” The gems in the crowd leaned in, eager to hear the news directly from their diamond. “We shall build a palace!” The first building project had been declared, the first piece of Homeworld to be laid out, and with all the excitement surrounding it, Starless grinned, a smile all the way to the corners of her face. In that excitement the first pearl that wasn’t of monochrome hue was created. Laughter erupted from Starless and soon the rest of the court followed. That night was one to be celebrated and remembered in the Empire’s history.

10 cycles since that declaration the available terraformers and Bismuth had been hard at work on the palace and finally it had been finished. A grand building of monochrome hues that stuck out against the dusty red of the planet. Organic flora that lived simply out of spite of the planet’s star was relocated around the palace’s grounds for a nice floral touch and so the creation of an expansive garden was done. Inside the main hall was a simple throne for the sole diamond matriarch to sit upon and above the main entrance the newly finished mural of the diamond. It was all coming together, even if it was just a start.

Until the moment a large sound similar to an explosion shook the planet. Starless and the gems of her court ran out of the palace to see what it was. Once glance at the red sky told them everything they needed to know. One of the moon’s had exploded and in its place an extremely large figure of iridescent coloration rested, curled up much like Starless had been when she first came to being. 

Starless dropped to the ground, her hands curling up into fists. She had no idea what she was feeling right now. Joy from her new creation? Fear from the threat this posed? Sadness from one of her moon’s blowing up? She didn’t know! Yet the tears began to flow, a heavy stream that produced pearls of every hue and more that bled into the soil beneath. Worry washed over the entire court as they rushed to their diamond’s aid. Something big was happening, something big has happened. What was this– this..

This new- something…