Gaming and Rumors

11 months, 6 days ago
11 months, 6 days ago
4 2609

Chapter 1
Published 11 months, 6 days ago

EVENTS - Subliminal Rumour! - Gamer Swag!

Rumors are flying through Caer Sidi while some people just play games

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Just Gaming

 “Kiss! Papa, one huggy n’ kiss!” Arwen rushed across the hallway to Myron who was about to leave to work as fast as her tiny feet could carry her. The Unbleeder crouched and caught his daughter as she was about to wrap her arms around his legs and pulled her into tight hug. “It’s always one more hug and kiss with you, isn’t it?” The brunette laughed before pressing a kiss on top of her hair before gently giving her last squeeze before pulling back and cupping the cheeks of his daughter. 

Olive against mocha.
Old and young.
Dead and living.

Myron’s hazel eyes were filled with love towards his little princess as he pressed one last kiss on top of her black hair before standing up. “Now scurry back to Khelani. You two were about to play games, weren’t you?” The soft gasp that left from Arwen’s lips made the old man laugh. “Bye Papa! Have good work!” The girl grinned as she began to push her adoptive father out of the house. Without of course really even nudging the man, but there was certainly effort.

Placing his hand on the handle, Myron’s eyes fell on the plumeria branch that Arwen had found not too long ago on their way from the store. It had started to root and was still just as lively as it had been the day they had brought it home. 

New beginnings…

The moment the door closed, Arwen ran across the hallway to living room, to his favorite babysitter. “Laniiii!” She giggled as she basically threw herself to the young woman’s arms. “Wanna play the princess memory game?” Khelani asked with a smile as she fixed one of Arwen’s many braids that Myron had done the day before. The girl nodded furiously and climbed on the couch next to her and then to her lap. 

Patiently Arwen pulled her legs against her chest as she waited for Khelani to pick up the tablet for them to play from. “Only 15 minutes, okay?” As Khelani reminded her of the play time, Arwen looked at her with wide eyes and was about to protest but she could barely get her mouth open before Khelani reminded her of the other plans of the day. “No buts. I have something fun prepared after so no worries!” And that distracted Arwen enough.

After a short while the game was set up and the two were playing. Arwen always asked to play the frog as that route had memory mini-games which were her favorites so it was up to Khelani to play the princess’s part of the game, the jumping puzzles. They weren’t too difficult but could still be difficult for a 3 year old, no matter how smart the child was. The game wasn’t too interesting, especially after playing it for 4 days in a row but Arwen seemed to enjoy it so Khelani of course entertained the little girl by playing with her. 

As it was Arwen’s time to play again, Khelani smiled as she thought what Myron had said about the game. “I swear it’s numbing my brain and I regret the moment I got it.” Of course he didn’t mean the last part, he never regretted anything that made Arwen happy but he was right about the mind numbing effect…