Starsea Festival

1 year, 1 month ago
1 year, 1 month ago
3 1502

Chapter 3
Published 1 year, 1 month ago

Prompts for the 2023 Starsea Festival

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Author's Notes

Word Count: 422
Characters: Karma, Scout, Carlos
Companions: n/a
Mounts: n/a


Shard Breakdown:
Entry: 4
Word Count: 4

Total: 8
Ethereal Shards: 1
Starsea Roll: 1

Star Kid Crew

"Carlos, Scout, come quick, I think I found something!!"

Karma waved from where they were knelt, knee deep in the water, holding something crystalline and shiny in their paws, turning it this way and that as the fading light hit the crystalline structure, sending shards of colored light across them.

"What do you think it is?"

Carlos stepped forwards, splashing them both with the water, and Karma grimaced before turning their eyes to it again.

"It looks almost like an egg, but I haven't seen anything like it before, have either of you?"

The bright green woolyne held it out to the others and Carlos took it gingerly, turning it over in his paws.

"How odd, it's like crystal, but.... it feels warm, like there's something inside of it...."

Scout stepped up then, inspecting it closely before gently taking it from Carlos, who allowed him to o so.

"Well, we can bring it back with us, maybe we can learn some more about it..."

Karma had knelt again, digging in the water, this time retrieving what could only be described as a piece of fallen star: faintly glowing from the inside.

"Woaaaah, Karma, what's that?"

Carlos leaned closer to peer at it and the alien held it closer to their face, inspecting it. The starry markings on Karma's face glowed slightly, as if reacting to the strange fragment, and Carlos' eyes narrowed.

That was odd. That didn't normally happen to a woolyne.

He was pulled from his musing as Scout scooped it out of Karma's hands, eyes brightening.

"Karma! You found a star fragment! THis is fantastic, this is just what we needed for our project!"

He grinned at the green and teal woolyne, carefully tucking it - and the strange egg - into his bag.

"Lets see if we can find more of those fragments, Carlos, you look over there, Karma, why don't we search this way!"

They broke off into their spaces, beginning to shift through the water and sand, searching for more fragments when suddenly, Scout felt something move in his bag.

He opened it just in time to see a tiny, reptilian head poke out of the egg, and he froze.

"H-hey you two might want to come over here! I just witnessed something AMAZING!"

Both other woolynes dashed over to see Scout cradling a little sea wyrm in their arms, cooing softly at it.

"Oooh, he's so cute," Karma gasped, eyes widening, and Carlos gently pet them with one finger.

"You made a new friend, Scout!"