Comments on Crazy for Camp Blood

I have no idea why toyhouse won't let me favorite your literatures 


did you really get choked by a cosplayer im losing it XD

Toyhouse knows not to encourage me! I might grow stronger and it knows the world isn't ready for that :D

Thanks!! :D And absolutely! I've been choked multiple times and even thrown back into a crowd once! ^^ It's all in good fun! it's actually what I look forward to the most when I'm there! :D   

I got pics! I'll have to post them here sometime! ^^

omg that's such a power move lmaoo

I'd be too awkward 

I've only been to ONE con, and I didn't go in because I am TERRIFED of heights 

a struggle fr

honestly would you cared if I sent a friend request on discord? I don't want to freak you out!

You’ve been to a con that involved heights? :D Now what was this event! ^^

Please do sent a request!! I’ve been wanting to add you, I just didn’t wanna freak you out! ;D

Yeah!! The market was on the first floor and the con was upstairs! Furry cons are weird I don't think I'd go back

Sent a request!!

A furry convention! Now that's one of the only kinds I haven't been to yet, I'll have to hear about your experience one day! ^^

Request accepted! :D