Silent eclipse patrols

8 months, 7 days ago
3 days, 3 hours ago
10 2554

Entry 1
Published 8 months, 7 days ago

A place to put any writings I do for silent eclipse, more then likely for patrols.

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Author's Notes

“As you are exploring, you run into a Castform/Demonic. It states it's friend Lickitung/Basic is stuck in a tree, the pokemon plead wif you to help the poor pokemon out of the tree”

Pokémon involved:
Moonpaw - Eevee/Terrarium/YacheClan
??? - castform/demonic
??? - lickitung/basic

Tiny woods

“You know.” The eevee began as she sat down in front of the tree and looked at the unfortunate lickitung who was stuck in a tree Winnie the Pooh style. “When I was told they were stuck in a tree, I didn’t think it’d be that literal….”

The castform all but sweat dropped as they laughed. “Yeah… it’s a bit of a long story. I’m not sure if we can really explain-“ their sentence was cut off by some muffled speech from the lickitung, who was kicking his legs. Causing the castform to give Moonpaw an awkward grin. “Do ya still think you can help us out?”

Moonpaw looked between the stuck Pokémon and his friend, ears going back as she thinks. “Well I’m not sure if we’d be strong enough to pull him out, even if we worked together….” She looked around, spotting some strong looking vines and getting an idea. “But I think I got an idea.”

The eevee full of stardust suddenly ran towards the vines, leaping for them and grabbing them with her teeth, twisting around to land back in her feet to a surprised gasp from the castform. Who looked at her with wonder as she ran back over and tied the vines around what parts of the lickitung wasn’t stuck in the tree. Grabbing the other end and running around another tree, using that tree as a sort of anchor to get better leverage. Pulling the vines with all her strength until the lickitung was pulled out of the tree, dazed and a little confused, but unharmed. The castform cheering as she came back to check on their friend.

The castform hopped around the eevee, nearly disorienting her. “Wow! That was awesome! You said you were from the nearby clans right? You must be one of their toughest ‘mons!”

Hearing that, Moonpaws ears dropped and she shrugged as best an eevee could. “I’m. Actually not a warrior. I’m a healer apprentice. I’ve not even earned my full name yet.” She sighed, frowning slightly before shaking her head. “Either way, I’m glad your friends okay. I have to leave now though, stay safe.”

“Wait!” Moonpaw froze midstep as the castform called out, her ear twitching. “Can.. can we come with you?”

Author's Notes

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