Fate: Ideal Balance

10 months, 17 days ago
10 months, 17 days ago
15 19866

Entry 14
Published 10 months, 17 days ago

Mild Violence
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Ideal Beach: Robin - Distant Memories

Robin peered into the corner of the sand penthouse at the two towel-enshrouded Assassins reading among the bookshelves. She wanted to go sit with them, talk with them, but something in her told her she couldn’t. That version of her in that other dimension had bonded with them, but that wasn’t her... and yet it was.

She stopped her pacing and bit her lip, until finally she mustered up the courage to take those few steps into the book corner. She sat quietly next to the Assassins, avoiding looking in the direction. She instead looks at the books spread across the table and neatly organized in the bookshelves, intently reading each title and author.

Something pointy gently nudged her arm.

“I think you’ll like this one,” Dante smiled.

Robin tentatively took the book. It was bound in a soft leather and detailed in intricate golden engravings. The title read-

“You had better not have given her one of ours,” Virgil chided, not even glancing up from his novel.

Dante looked offended, brows furrowed and mouth open ready to spit fire.

Robin laughed quietly. “It’s alright. I actually haven’t read your Paradiso yet.”

This time Virgil dropped his book into his lap, eyes hinting at insult. “I may not remember everything from this other version of us, but I do distinctly remember you mentioning you read our books.”

“I’ve only read the first two. For some reason our personal library seemed to be missing the third in the series, and I doubt it was on accident.” She opened the cover to the first page, a smile gently playing at the corners of her lips.

There is a shared glance between Dante and Virgil before Virgil cleared his throat and said, “Well, seeing as none of us require sleep, we can read it together, and we can answer any questions you might have.”

Robin finally smiled. “I would love that.”