fall 2023

11 months, 5 days ago
10 months, 22 days ago
4 2237

Chapter 1
Published 11 months, 5 days ago

fall prompts

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Author's Notes

Word Count: 410
Characters: Quinlan, Sorrel, Orion, Eridani
Companions: n/a
Mounts: n/a


Shard Breakdown:
Entry: 4
Word Count: 4
Untamed Mount: 0
Small Companion: 0

Total: 8
Ethereal Shards: 1
Hallowoolyne Roll: 1

hallowoolyne 2023

Quinlan hummed softly as he glanced around The Poet.

He had been planning this evening's events for a while now, a night of spooky performances and scary treats for everyone.

Sorrel had been around, helping him decorate the speakeasy, and he was quite happy with the outcome.

Speaking of, the brown-striped woolyne peered out from the kitchen, brushing her paws on her apron.

"I just got the last batch of cookies done, I think with that, we are almost ready!"

Quinlan wandered back to the kitchen, grinning at the other as he leaned across the counter, swiping one of the pumpkin-shaped cookies, taking a bite even as Sorrel tried to tug it back.

"Those are for the guests, Quin!"

He laughed and finished the cookie in a few bites.

"I'm going to go open the doors for the evening, get ready for the party!"

She waved him off and Quinlan made a quick stop by the bar to grab a headband that looked like mothlight antennae, matching the winged cloak tossed around his shoulders. He fixed them on his head, grabbing the pumpkin, carved with a silly face, to bring upstairs.

He carried it up the stairs, going to the main doors of the Poet and propping it open with the carved pumpkin and a wooden sign inviting everyone to a spooky celebration.

He waved to a few woolynes wandering closer, smiling widely at them before turning to head back down into the speakeasy below.

When he returned, Sorrel had set up bowls filled with candies and trays of cookies and snacks while Quinlan hopped behind the bar, getting drinks and things ready for the guests that were undoubtedly on their way.

It wasn't much longer until a group of woolynes came down, pushing through the spiderwebs hanging in the door frame, one of the kits gasping in delight as a plastic spider got caught in their fur.

Quinlan swept over, their mothlight cloak flaring as they clapped their hands, grinning broadly at the visitors.

"Welcome, welcome, ghouls and ghosts! I hope you are ready for some fun and games!"

The kit with the plastic spider returned the grin, clapping her own paws together, the wings on her bat costume bouncing excitedly as she grinned up at the older woolyne next to her.

"Look, Orion, they have wings just like me!"

Quinlan chuckled and leaned down, ruffling their fur.

"Well, I'm very glad you came to visit this Halloween, kiddo!"