Woolyne Prompts

8 months, 5 days ago
6 months, 7 days ago
2 1058

Entry 1
Published 8 months, 5 days ago

All my writing entries for Woolyne prompts!

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Author's Notes

Word Count: 448
Characters - Apollo
Companions - Lux

Shard Breakdown:
Default Prompt Reward - 4 shards
Word Count - 4 shards
Small Companion - 1 shard
Total: 9 shards

Hallowoolyne 2023

Apollo was never much one for parties.

That said, he also wasn't one to turn down a request for aid. With a party so deep into the forest, one never knows what could show up at all the commotion.

Pulling a long, black coat around his shoulders, the woolyne headed out. It was chilly, but that was to be expected- autumn always brought with it a chill. One he wasn't quite fond of, to be honest. But such was life, he could power through minor inconveniences if he set his mind to it. His fur almost immediately puffed out in response to the cold, and Apollo let out a soft grumble under his breath. His poodle mothlight, Lux, fluttered out after him, seeming to catch onto his dislike of the chill as she zipped over to huddle into the mix of hair and fur around his neck.

"I don't understand why Juno enjoys this," He muttered to himself as he gently pat the mothlight with a finger, appreciating her tiny effort at comfort. She lit up a little in response, light flickering happily.

The journey into the woods of Fenmoore wasn't the most pleasant experience, although the woolyne did enjoy the crunching of the leaves under his hooves as he walked. Even if he didn't overall enjoy the weather, he could find a little enjoyment in the small things, not that he'd ever admit it to anyone else. Like the way the leaves that remained on the trees swayed in the breeze, and the sunset creating beautiful patterns down onto the ground below.

Soon enough, Apollo found what he was looking for; the clearing where everything was being set up for the Hallowoolyne party. He hung back a bit at first, not wanting to intterupt the preparations, until someone saw him and beckoned him over. "Hey! You here to help?"

"I do suppose I am."

He exchanged pleasantries with the others there, figuring he might as well help with the setup too since he was here early. His height could be of use, anyhow. Meanwhile, Lux fluttered around, having far more fun interacting with others than her companion. She played with some of the kittens that were around, keeping them distracted while the adults got everthing prepared.

Soon enough, everything was ready, and more and more people began to filter in. Becoming slightly nervous, Apollo whistled for Lux to come back, allowing her to settle on one of his horns as he moved off towards a less crowded area to keep an eye out.

Thankfully, the celebrations went on without much incident, and although he had only minorly participated, Apollo was glad he'd had the opportunity to help.